Good Morning Monday 1st November

Good morning everyone! It feels later than the clock says it is, so I’m up and about making breakfast regardless. Dark and cold outside but seems dry (I’m afraid to look!).

Still trying to fix up the table from yesterday. so I’ll finish that and get on with some more decorating…

Where does the time go? November already…;:astonished:

Have a lovely day everybody :wave:

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Good morning Pixie & all who follow.

I woke early so decided to get up. I think it must be something to do with the long nap I had yesterday evening!!

I’m taking the car in for service this morning- no other plans but a walk round the local pond & generally pottering about.

Have a good day all. :blush:

I went to the chemist early which was stupid I had to wait 20 minutes to get a prescription filled a lot longer than I wait later in the day.

Today is the first day of freedom for us vaccinated types, I called in at the seniors club office to get all the computers updated then went for my walk - no chance of any rain but there was a lot of high cloud about but at least it is warm with temperatures in the low to mid 20s.

Apart from that have been on the phone talking to friends and rellos - another part of my exciting life - on the bright side am getting ready for a quick trip to Canberra later in the week.

Anyway enjoy your day.

Good morning everyone

Still dark here in Yorkshire…it poured down all night its not raining now but I think its forecast so a very soggy day ahead

Nothing much planned for me today I had a busy weekend though so I’m glad to just potter today

Have a good day everyone

Good morning all you ‘early birds’.

First of the month today so ‘pinch and a punch’, ‘white rabbits’ and all that!

Not raining here but it’s cold, not that it will bother me as I have no plans to go out today. Some phone calls to make, one of them to the bank so am wondering if that is going to be difficult now after all the changes with the pandemic and lockdowns.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you may be doing.

Morning all.

No specific plans.

Good morning everyone, a wet and windy night just gone, still blowing a hoolie but dry now at least…

Just finished the morning chores whilst Rosemary is at Tesco doing the shop. We’ll walk the dogs when she gets back but nothing planned after that other than cooking lunch, just see what the day brings.

Have a pleasant day folks :blush:

Good morning/Evening folks!

It’s voting day here!

Standing in the queue in the sun!

Democracy at work :grinning:


Apparently SA has a high turn out in local elections unlike most other places :slight_smile:
Nice weather for it anyway.

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Good Morning everyone. Have a good day all :slight_smile:


Good morning from a quieter Weald. Heck of a wet and windy day yesterday but much improved now. Windows now need a bit of clean so that’s my morning sorted. Be safe and keep ‘em peeled. :+1: :wink:

Yes we do have a high turnout

Amazing weather here today :sunglasses:

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Morning all! We have been out with the dogs as far as the Roman Rig and then to the local convenience store. It’s a rather cool 9°C and won’t get any better as the day wears on.

Good morning all. Chilly, windy, but bright.
Terrible day yesterday with the mini-tornado that hit our area. Lots of trees down.

It is my oldest dog’s birthday tomorrow (16) - she is the real ‘Mups’. :grinning:
Being as she is quite incredible and very special and this will likely be her last birthday, I am making her a birthday card. Just got to nip out and get some paste to put her photo on the front of it. :grinning:


Absolutley adorable, Mups! Happy Birthday for tomorrow…you’ll be getting spoiled no doubt! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Oh how gorgeous! She’s just beautiful!
Happy birthday to her Mups!

Happy birthday to Mups Mups… :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Wishing Mups a wonderful birthday tomorrow.

Good mourning. Typical Denver in November. Cloudy with snow showers mainly during the morning. High 47F. Winds N at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of snow 60%.

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That sounds perfect :star_struck:
My kind of weather!

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