Good Morning Monday 1st November

A beautiful photo of Mups, @Mups :+1:

Your grand old lady is doing well, hope you and the ‘clan’ enjoy tomorrow. :grinning:

A belated good morning everyone :grinning: as it was fine and not too cold I decided to venture out to get a few bits to keep me going till spring things like Brillo pads (which Waitrose don’t seem to have on home delivery) dish cloths christmas wrapping paper . I thought better to do it now than wait and have to go out when I would need to de ice the car and face the crowds.
Then home to make more socks for Chloe to go inside her boot. She is still having a problem on and off with a sore pad .

@Mups Big hugs to the lovely Mupsy dogs such a sweetheart … :heartpulse:

Lovely Mups!
Is she a Bedlington Terrier?

I read my Mups all your good wishes and she was so happy. Thank you all. :kissing_heart:

(Besoeker - yes, she is a Beddie, same as the one you walk with Max.) :slightly_smiling_face:

@Mups I adore Bedlington’s my cousin had one called Blue he was a smasher. Happy Birthday to Mups

Happy Birthday from me too to little Mups who I hope was spoiled rotten :slight_smile: