Good Morning Monday 10th

Good Morning all.
No idea what it’s like outside yet as it’s still pitch dark.

My Gertie got me up at 5.30 this morning with a dicky tummy, so that is why I am here early today.
Nothing much planned, just the usual chores and a bit of shopping. The excitement wears me out. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Good morning Mups and everyone else to come.
Only shopping to do.
Have a nice day all.

Morning Mups
Haven’t ventured out yet .

A warm and surprisingly sunny day. Humid but.

My new freezer arrived this morning, I took the dog out for a walk, still pulls but getting better. Then this evening ten $5 meals were delivered. A surprisingly successful day.

However the damn dog ripped his bed and is in disgrace at the moment.

Monring Mups, and all…its still dark and wet outside so not very cheery at all. Never mind, only 69 days until Spring :+1:

No plans today, apart from get organised for tomorrow. This will mostly involve trying on clothes, and frowning at myself in the mirror :joy:

Good morning everyone, no frost here and a dry day forecast so no complaints :sunglasses:

Just a trip to the tip for me today with some garden waste but no other plans as yet.

Hope Gertie is OK @Mups , Alfie has an ear mite infection so we may have a trip to the vets before long if the patent jolup from the pet shop doesn’t cure it… :face_with_thermometer:

Have a good day folks :blush:

Horrible this morning, heavy drizzle, mild though, nothing planned, enjoy.

Morning everyone, bit dull outside but dry at the moment. I really need to find my mojo today, as I’ve been drifting for the last few days. It’s a classic post Christmas/New Year thing I know, but in the old days getting back to work would have sorted me out by now!

So today I’m going to get off my backside and… erm…er… do something or other. After I’ve had another cup of tea :lol:

Have a lovely day, folks :blush:

ETA: @PixieKnuckles good luck in your new job tomorrow!

Thank you Sheba…I’m quite looking forward to it :+1:

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Morning all

Not sure what it’s doing outside in this windowless office but it was wet when I came into work at 7.30am. Off to Dads when I finish work.

I don’t have any plans for today, I’m doing really well lately at making time for me, I’m not running about as often as I used to do. I was worn out and needed to slow down. Sometimes we have to look after ourselves and not feel guilty for it. I’m learning how to say no and it feels liberating.

Happy Monday all

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Morning all.

Best get me skates on. Sis is due here about 10.30. A bit early for what we have planned, but maybe we can have a cuppa and catch up before going out. (The Range, then Morrisons for lunch.) I hate leaving Holly for hours.

Good morning everyone! Enjoy your day all :slight_smile:
It’s Monday = back to work :frowning:



Just don’t shoot the whole day down Alice

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Good morning all :slightly_smiling_face: dull and drizzling outdoors.

I’ve decided to have a clear out of the spare bedroom, there is a lot I could throw out but have kept over the years for one reason or other.

@Mups I hope poor Gertie’s tum will feel better soon…

Have a good day folks…

Morning each!

I just realised that I have put the date forward, on my clock, to the 11th, instead of the 10th!

So, if you want to know what your tomorrow looks like I can tell you all about it.

Your tomorrow, and I can see it now, is going to be warm, sunny, and great fun.

Don’t miss it!

I’ll let you know if any disasters happen & you’ll be ready for them!

p.s. Rain at 11:15, get your mac ready!

Good morning (and Happy New Year).

It’s my first day back at work today and after a 10 day holiday, I’m just not ready to go back into the “lions den” yet. I was up at 6am and decided I would have a walk to Tesco to get a sandwich as I couldn’t sleep and then sat downstairs with a bottle of water until work started.

Slowly getting back up to the normal levels of stress and frustration and in a day or so I reckon it will be like I never had a holiday at all.

Anyway, have a great Monday, its dull and wet here but hopefully spring is not too far away and we can all enjoy our gardens again, go to the beach and see our families, friends etc.

Good morning all a lazy day so far dog been out washing on the line but think that’s a bad idea but to cold to go rescue it. LOL off out again with my “Gertie” shortly so will rescue washing on the way back.

Decision made to turn the little bedroom into the office (working from home with new job) Still in the process of setting up the office the price of desks is scary so buying my own piece of wood and 4 legs and and making my own…Dah dah

@Bruce have you got a new dog?
@Mups hope your Gertie is on the mend
@LionQueen that was a good spot on your own health its harder I think to acknowledge our own needs than to spot the needs in others. Well done when I was running around after everyone (Mags can verify this) I found it hard to recognise my own needs. Well done you.
@Jazzi Bet Holly breathes a sigh of relief “ah peace at last” when you leave I think Gert does LOL
@Mags Little by little take it easy.
@Bathsheba This is the first proper week since Christmas I think
@PixieKnuckles I have brought new clothing for my new job no uniform or dress code threw me so gone for black trousers and a coloured easy wash shirts/tops.
@Barry Hope Alfies ears get better annoying things ears.

To everyone have a good day about to brave the weather with the dog…Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr


Don’t worry, I’m harmless really, as long as you behave yourself :wink:

Ha ha LQ.

No chance of that :wink:

@Kazz if you’re working at home now, why the need to buy new work clothes?