Going too far with pampering pet

Lots of people have dogs in Australia - you just be sensible and make sure they have shade (or can get inside) and water in hot weather and take them for walks in early morning or evening.

Perhaps some breeds more suited than others, I agree, maybe not huskies, - but Australian farms have had sheepdogs forever

Ive had chihuahuas - they are native to Mexico. Bit of a stretch to say they can’t cope with hot weather.

Bohemian Catsody is brilliant !! :rofl:

Mexico is one of the most notorious countries for cruelty to dogs. I don’t even want to post details about this because it’s so upsetting. Millions of stray street dogs that keep multiplying despite barbaric monthly culling.

that may be so - but my point was simply that breeds of dogs are native to hot weather countries, eg chihuahuas in Mexico - so saying people in hot weather countries shouldn’t have dogs doesnt really make sense.

Even a Chihuahua would be suffering in the situation I described. Their foot pads would suffer on the scorching hot paving of Dubrovnik’s city’s battlements in the midday sun. You could fry an egg for sure. But at least you can pick up such a tiny dog. To take a husky into such conditions was thoughtlessly cruel. Yes certain breeds are less affected by heat, but as you say - it helps if the owners are sensible because even the hardiest breeds are not exempt from the effects of rising temperatures.

Yes I agree it would - thats what I said in my previous post - as long as you are sensible and make sure your dog has food and shade or indoor access and go for walks in early morning or i n the evening when it is very hot
No dispute there

Only with the idea that people in hot countries should not have dogs - yes they can if they are sensible about it and yes some breeds are more suited than others

 and don’t forget an insulating coat works both ways, it keeps the heat out as well as in.

Whatever next, Pigs?

Barking mad, but clever idea.