Going for a heart scan next week

Thanks Mups, great news for your own echo as well, look after yourself gal…:smiley:

Indeed Zuleika, the thought of having to go through that surgery again,:shock:…I can’t believe I don’t have to see the consultant again for 2 years.:-D…excellent news.

Thank you Percy,I am so relieved.:smiley:

Thank you Meg…I hope everything is ok with your echo,:slight_smile:

Thank you Baz…it takes a lot off of my mind…going through that surgery again is one, I also heard my heart surgeon is going to retire ,Mr Tony de Souza. One of the ,top surgeon at the Brompton in London…

Thanks sweetie, I can breath…:lol:

Yes, that’s a big worry off your shoulders.

Well done, Pauline & others.
I guess it’s should be expected that we see quite a few topics about heart problems.

That seems to me to be where the best NHS Support is.

One thing, though, if you are on Apixaban you might want to look up the possible side effects, i had a couple which was a bit worrying until I realised why.

Still, better that Warfarin, IMO!