But only by becoming unwelcome visitors themselves.
Not necessarily.
Silver Tabby
Actually - have just realised - ghosts can be useful - they keep unwelcome visitors away!!
And some are very good writers
Oh have you experienced the words on a misty mirror too then?
Thing is when they dance you really cannot tell what state they are At…
According to the Boffs from the Paranormal Fraternity, ghosts don’t Dance
This is because they have no body to dance with
Nah…But I have used a Ghost writer
And a Spirit level
This morning on ITV Dog that sees ghosts…on right now…
the real life greyhound that catches Ghosts.
Without going through all the posts has anyone read about a gothic singer/songwriter Brocarde?
She claims she is in love with a Victorian soldier who visits her and they have a sex life!
She fears he will kill her if she sees other men.
As they say…you couldn’t make it up!!
Her music is like a Punky Kate Bush…
I wouldn’t call her a liar, but I don’t believe her…
There were a case of a woman who claimed to be sexually abused by a Spirit, they made a film about it…The Entity
Yet it seems that Brocarde did.
[quote=“Artangel, post:149, topic:86030”]
As they say…you couldn’t make it up!![/quote]
But they do…
Were you aware of her? If not google her!
I always loved the singer/actor Paul Nicholas and saw in the newspaper that he had appeared on This Morning on ITV yesterday. l recorded it and Brocarde was on there talking about ‘Eduardo’ the ghost!
You should watch it, you can’t believe what you’re hearing!
Planktons’s music in on spotify as well.
Over the years there have been Nuns who became pregnant, many confessed to having sinned.
But some claimed their pregnancy an Immaculate Conception, but most if not all were proved wrong
A Nun prayed for a Baby from God….But it was not the almighty… That crept up her nighty …It were the Vicar , the dirty old sod… boom boom
I just watched it. My impression is that she isn’t a woman to be taken very seriously.
Nuns are not in my nice list unfortunately…although I know I should not judge all…read so many truths over the last few years questioning there ways of life within the Care of what were homeless innocent children being housed under there care…thousands not a handful, …terrible abuse
whoops back to …Ghostly things