Ghosts: What use are they?

We have to have the body so we can use it to full effectiveness while in this world. While we are growing the body, we are also growing the soul, so that when it is released…it becomes one with the Universe as it moves to the next plane of…existence.

I was hoping for a bit more detail than that, and possibly even the slightest grain of science, whether it be physics, biology or any other branch of science that I probably wouldn’t understand anyway. :confused:

Well then, apparently the soul weighs 21 grams! if you can weigh it, it exists hence ghosts seem to be real…

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I think you and Pixie are just making this up as you go along. :roll_eyes:

Oi ! Read up! You wanted science! I gave you science. Read up and we can debate it

Oooh! We ladies do not make things up. We state the truth as we know it…Mix just gave you evidence of the soul weighing something so…there ya go!


Let’s assume this was a properly conducted experiment with reliable results, even though that assumption is not likely to be remotely correct. Why is it logical to conclude that it is the departure of a soul that accounts for the reduction in weight. I mean the soul is only an idea sombody once came up with; there is no actual evidence for it, and there must be countless other ideas lacking in evidence that nobody has yet thought of.

Answer that. :grinning:

Hang on. Lemme suit up and put on my :boxing_glove: gloves…

I’ll be back

terminator style

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It’s ALL made up!

I think you will find it was merely a claim of evidence rather than actual evidence. The ghost of evidence without the body, if you like.

If you don’t believe in ghosts, like me , you will never see one.Anything spooky you experience you will explain as something natural which you can’t explain at the the time.

Forget the gloves, I can’t find concrete scientific evidence to substantiate the claim that Ghosts exist Harbal.

One thing that makes me think, is at the time when there was no communications/contact in the world

Records of near death experiences, of floating above the body the bright light and other things, tell of the same account, from all over the world in all cultures long before the planet integrated

And I can’t find concrete evidence that they don’t, and I wouldn’t have produced it if I had it, because some people want to believe in such things. Besides, I avoid arguing with people as smart as you. :wink:

Flattery will get you nowhere!


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You’ve told me that before. And you were right of course, it didn’t get me anywhere. :slightly_frowning_face:


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This is why LTP has gone down hill. :grinning: :biking_man:

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I think it still remains for us to address perhaps the most important question of all in this matter of ghosts. Do they actually have a right to be here? I put it to you that the earth is the domain of the living, and ghosts should be required to depart from it immediately on acquiring their disembodied status. There should be no time extensions granted in cases of “unfinished business”, which seems to be their go-to excuse for hanging about. We should demand our right not to be haunted.

Say No To Ghosts
:ghost: :018:


That’s ghost-ist.

They have Right to Remain status. :joy: