I watched that recently on Youtube, Dodge, and all Lydon moaned about was the fact he didn’t get back on Top of the Pops again after he spoke out about it. The whole mucky bunch of luvvies are corrupt. Its just a shame that so many people are still being hurt by it.
It’s not just a matter of the direct damage people like Savile and Harris (sounds like an estate agents, but only if I don’t include Glitter) do to their victims; it spreads out and has a detrimental effect on society.
Friends, let me tell you a little story, to explain what I mean:
It’s early evening and a man is walking along the pavement of a back street. Ahead of him, walking towards him on the same side of the road, is a child. A girl of about 7 or 8, wearing only a night-dress. Just before they meet, they stop, and she asks if he knows where Sally Johnson lives. It’s not his street, and he doesn’t know anybody, except for his daughter, who does live on that street. He is calling round to do a DIY job. There’s no one at home, but he has a key to her house. He can’t make much sense of what the girl says when he asks where she lives, and all the while he is conscious of keeping a safe distance between them, like we all have to now, but for a very different reason. After a few minutes, that seem much longer, a woman emerges from a house across the road, and the man deftly manages to make the situation her responsibility.
I was that man. (slow, swelling music)
All I wanted to do was get away from the situation; it made me very nervous. :shock: Had that happened even 50 years ago, I would have probably told her to get lost, but I would only have been 16 myself. Had I been an adult, I would probably have taken her hand and tried to find where she lived. I think most people would have. Can you imagine that happening now? That, in itself, is making kids vulnerable. Nobody, particularly men, dare get involved.
If this scenario had happened 50 years ago, there would have been a beat bobby who would have been the one walking that street and dealt with the situation.
I get what you are saying Harbal. I have found lost children crying in the supermarket but on each occasion made sure a female dealt with it. Sad isn’t it.
I’m not particularly fond of kids, although I do often see one that makes me smile. It’s not always the same one, btw. Some men love kids, and are really good with them, but simply daren’t interact with them. And some parents would come down on you like a ton of bricks if you so much as glanced at their three year old.
I love kids but would never interact with kids that aren’t part of the family. It’s not worth the risk. If a kid was lost or hurt I’d keep my distance and just phone the police.
Unfortunately due to the increase year in year out of foreign nationals into the UK, albeit legal and illegal who now make up a large part of the UK’s society, the UK’s once famed British humour has taken a pounding from people who’s intent is to find fault with everything the British say. No sorry you can no longer say that because it is offensive to this minority group, sorry you cannot say that before it offends that minority group, sorry you cannot make jokes about other non UK nationalities because it offends some of those people.
It was well known that British humour took the piss out of everyone, including themselves and many around the world loved that humour but now, the very small numbers who complain are the winners and the huge majority have to conform to the complaints of the minority.
Actually Dodge, I thought I might get some flak for my comment, but it’s not what you think…I was taken short in Hull and had to visit these municipal toilets and was so impressed with the cleanliness and attention to detail of these Victorian lavatories I just had to take a photo…
Are they right next to the river, Foxy? If so, I, too, have been in them. I hope they are the same ones. It would make up for the ones in Sandall Park that you went in and I never did.
Unless you give me prior notification of which toilets you will be visiting, and stop being “caught short” quit so often, I don’t see how I can ever catch up.