For those of us familiar with Garry Glitter, the name evokes thoughts of sordid trips to the Far East, and nefarious sexual practices with underage girls. This is what has come to define Garry Glitter, and rightly so, but let us remember that there was more to the man than that.
Glitter’s successful pop career has been totally eclipsed by his subsequent fall from grace, and it is easy to forget what an atrocious performer he was. His singing was truly awful, and his stage performance was clumsy and ridiculous. His output was completely lacking in any merit whatsoever.
This, of course, does not mitigate any of his later crimes; it simply adds to them. I like to think that when he was sentenced for his perverted sexual activities, a couple of years were added on for what he did to pop music. While that is highly unlikely, it is my way of consoling myself that he didn’t get away with it in the end.
Well…I have to say that I liked Glitters music (when I was too young to know any different.) He was so over the top and dramatic and his music was so bad it was good!
There have been many weird offensive people who have done incredible things, and why should their deviant acts overshadow all the good they did? Loath the person by all means, but their actions helped others and that shouldn’t be dismissed.
You make a very good point Pixie, how do we know Beethoven, Strauss or Handel didn’t have a few skeletons in their cupboards…? I will still enjoy their music whatever they did… Well perhaps not Strauss, he’s a bit too much 1 2 3 for my liking…
Regarding you view on his music ability, I think you are letting your distaste of the man due to his criminal activity bias your opinion. In the 70’s, Gary Glitter was one of the UK’s top performing musical artists, not bad for someone who supposedly cant sing or act.
His musical legacy will forever be tainted by his criminal behaviour and he’s only got himself to blame for that.
I have to second this.
Has far as I am concerned anyone who is trying to put any sense into what this fella did is also part of the problem in today’s world.
Or perhaps in their defense have led a very shielded life.
Has a long term member I cannot understand how this thread as been excepted in any part of the OFF.
Just looking at the title disgust’s me.
I don’t think anyone is trying to put sense into this, LF, its simply a case of separating the music from the person. I loathe that vile person (who I shall not name out of respect for you) who raised thousands, if not millions, through his charitable works. He helped hundreds of people, yet was revealed eventually to be a horrendous character. If my family was in need of medical help via his charitable deeds, I would not refuse it just because his name was associated with it. Doesn’t mean I like him at all.