Garden Photos, Welcome you to add Yours as well

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I have not taken any recent photos of our garden but I will…
that is a real great close up…

Thank you DW. this I took hand held with my new Panasonic G9 camera and 12-60mm kit lens all being four thirds which is a lot lighter than my full frame cameras. The thing I noticed straight away is how sharp picture of the flower is and stands out from the background he camera and lens cost only £1099 so for me well worth the money. I got it specifically for photos not videos.

straight from camera

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Yes good lens’s I know cost so most don’t go to that…hey going to have a new roof now in July as our priorities are not as yours…but realise how it takes us with hobbies as my sis is a real good photographer like my grandad was as a professional photographer for the royals and most tragic during the WW2 he was commissioned to take photos of war time…deaths of soldiers of course included…

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Only a new roof? the state our house was in I shudder to think what it cost to put right. Of course priorities come first

Well Yes as our house was built in1801 we felt that with the amount of water leaking through it was due…25,000 Euros but really an investment …new modern tiles that dont move in the storms and just a relief that we made that decision at last…
all else haha well almost all else is good…


I have a new laptop with Windows 11 and when I have tried to download any photos on it nothing happens…I have found going to my Sonia old laptop with windows 7 it works mostly good so is a slight hic up I need to resolve
Camera is a Cannon Power Shot…errmmm model will have to look…

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I have a card reader plugged into my computer,saves using camera battery power.
I use one called ugreen card reader from amazon . I chose this one because the card goes in a long way so no pins in the card reader get bent



A photo of Mart’s mini-meadow. Growing nicely…


It’s in the Garage Still… :sob:

Very pretty, lucky you. I wish I could have some meadow type land. If we don’t get all the grass cut, we’ll end with thorny bushes and brambles all over the place. I don’t want to end up needing to get a goat to eat it all up, like Clarkson :sweat_smile:

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Ours was farming land with sheep and the grass is still rough. Left to grow it is a nightmare of weeds as well…
Very nice is your Plot Mart.

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My 24 hr cactus flower

Geraniums and “malva rosa” (couldn’t find correct translation :thinking:)


This is the part of the garden I look after a little better. Not enhanced by the washing hanging out but it’s a good drying day for it.

Some parts (behind the Laurel) are kept as wild as possible for wildlife/insect life. There are Stag Beetles sometimes…


Lovely garden, Mart…I like the idea of keeping a part of it to grow wild! I’d love to do that with mine, but I need to keep the grass short due to Ticks and midges! :grin:


I did once get a Tick attach itself to me. It was when cutting the Laurel bushes to size. It grew and grew and eventually detached itself. A course of antibiotics and no Lyme disease fortunately.


No that’s a real fear and here we have Deer Roaming all around us and our land was full of Sheep many years ago. Husband had a tick on him and twice our female Cat had ticks on her…we have a tick removal tool so removed them all safely.

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Thankfully I’ve not had one (yet) but I’ve had to pluck one or two off the cat!

I’m glad you didn’t suffer any aftereffects…I know Lyme disease is a terrible thing to try and manage. I can’t believe you were patient enough to let it drop off by itself…I’d have been in tears thinking of this horrible little beastie fixed onto me! :cry:

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