Garden Ornaments

I nearly bought one as well, then realised there wouldn’t be room for it in my friends tiny boot.:slight_smile:

Aww… what a shame :frowning:

WOW, I love Swans, we have a pair on the pond that seem to think that I have food for them every time they see me. :lol:

That is one "Beautiful " black swan you have there,Mags.

Swans to me,are one of the most "Beautiful " creatures on this planet!.

I agree, swans are very graceful birds.

The one I have is carved from wood. :slight_smile:

I love garden ornaments and have many in my garden. Most l have bought secondhand, from people moving and can’t take them with them.
I bought these two statuettes for £10 each and the fountain for £38.

Very nice statues,Art.

I love your fountain and the two statues Art, quite an eye catcher in your garden… :slight_smile:

Thank You Pauline and Mags. I’m not sure why l referred to them as ‘statuettes’ as they aren’t small!

Here are some more pics…
The turtle who is bigger than it looks in the pic, was a present from a friend.
The warrior horse, l bought off someone for £28. He is very heavy! The urn planter thing, l paid, £3!

They are lovely,Art…I bet they were expensive.

Love the horse, Artangel.

Pauline, The horse and the fountain were made by ‘Henri Studio’ and would have been expensive when the people bought them originally. Did you see, l only paid £28 for the warrior horse?

The planter urn thing, the man who l bought them from, made them using a mould! I bought four of them @ £3 each.

You can get loads of ornaments at bargain prices from people who want to get rid of them.
I did help, that l had a suitable vehicle to transport heavy items in, at the time.

Tiffany, :slight_smile: Oh, of course you would love the horse as you love horses!
He is solid and so heavy but as smooth as anything.
My grandchildren loved stroking him when they were little!

Mart I have exactly the same Ornament as you.

Some lovely ornaments here… I have a warrior horse too… I’ll take a picture of it if it ever stops raining :slight_smile: