Fright, flight or fight?

Details DK! Details required!


Was your ex husband scared to see you standing there with a knife :hocho:?

Cue: horror movie music

Pray do tell, how is this possible?

This reminds me of ….

Natural selection at work :roll_eyes:

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I just seem to have an air of menace about me. :102:

Is your real name Dennis by chance?


Indeed an idiot for sure. Darwin will out! :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:

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Damn beat me by seconds!! :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face: :dizzy_face:

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Great minds… :icon_biggrin:


Red and black are not my colours. :018:

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You sure about that? I can just imagine an adorable little Harbal the menace running around in red overalls!

Your poor parents :096:


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Ah now Minx I’d better not answer that!

I’ll keep my thoughts to myself

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Tempted eh :shushing_face:

It was impossible to reside on the Estate without encountering a few challenges, seems the challenge ignorers has greater success later on. :smiley:

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I fight I’ve proved it to myself on more than one occasion…I once chased a man who in the dead of night pressed his face up against the window so it was all distorted…once I got over the shock of seeing him I was so mad I stupidly ran outside and chased him…luckily he was off like a bat out of hell so thankfully i didn’t catch him :slight_smile:



The main thing is not to look vulnerable, they will always go for the easiest victim.

Summer, chasing them, whilst admirable is not to be recommended unless you are trained to deal with them if they turn round.

Standard joke on training courses.

How do you make yourself look less vulnerable?

Use Viagra Eyedrops, they make you look hard.

A joke not to be used when training social workers.


I’ve always told my kids to walk/run away from conflict.

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I just knew I’d seen you somewhere before… @Minx


You maybe Wondering who this is

a certain friend of mine that spends every spare moment eating…



I am mainly a fighter but have learnt over time to be able to talk myself down…mostly that is… :innocent:
A horrid experience at 15 taught me how…years later when in the Butchers and my rear was smacked he got an almighty kick in the shins just the shins, so he was lucky :icon_biggrin: