Fright, flight or fight?

And if it’s a squirrel :chipmunk:

Take a photo of course! :camera_flash: :camera_flash:

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I tend to agree with you Di


I knew you were going to say that :icon_lol:


If you only knew! LOL :rofl: :rofl:

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When I was in my early teens, I used to serve at the altar in the local parish church. One of my roles in the church was changing altar cloths, candles etc.

I used to often, in the pre Christmas period, spend an evening or two in the church getting ready for services & would only put a few of the lights on, as one of the church wardens could see the church from his home & he would then would know it was me.

When going over to the church, I would need to visit the rectory to collect the keys. I would then walk across the rectory garden to the church & enter via the vestry. Frequently taking the rectors dogs with me for thier evening walk & for some company.

One evening as I worked in the dimly lit church, a large intimidating presence leant over my shoulder & loudly whispered, “GO” into my ears.

Being brave, I turned & went to run, but instead travelled a few yards down the church, landing flat on my face, with the rectors small white dog looking confused as to why I had fallen over her.

I have no idea where the feeling came from, but the “GO” was the dog sighing behind me. As she tended to do, when she wanted attention.

A few years later as a nightclub doorman I had a couple of occasions where I needed to walk into the toilets after a fight. Knowing an adrenalised individual with a knife was waiting for me & that as I walked in, I would be framed by the door & reasonably vulnerable. So I can fight, but I am also rather good at fright & flight.

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Yes,everyone needs a bit of luck.

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I haven’t experienced the threat of violence or potential personal injury for a long time.There was a lot of it and running from it, when you went to away football matches in the 60’s and 70’s.

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I have been unable to run for over 30 years, my leg was seriously damaged at work.

Personal Safety Training was very different on my return to work, which was conditional upon passing the assessment.

Fight and Flight was no longer an option.

The trainers were quite brutal, you can no longer run.

Change your attitude.

If you run you just die tired.

Get in a corner anytime you can, face what is coming at you , meet it head on and protect your back.

Life was very different after that.

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:044: I can only imagine!!!

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Great advice Swimmy :hugs:


So, er… was it an angel or the :dog:

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Now you know why I was a runner Minx…
A South Yorkshire pit village is not the place to stand your ground when you are 8 stone wet through and being chased by half a dozen drunken yobs…


My first reaction to danger is my brain goes into overdrive, my subsequent
actions depend on how l assess the situation ??
I will fight if it is obvious there is no other way, but then l tend to go too far !!
On two occasions l escaped damage by simply saying " the cops are coming" !!
Donkeyman! :grin::grin:

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I had horrible experience of fright . I was a young mum of 2 small babies living in the country . The front door rarely used as it opened onto an unused path so back door was always in use . One night my ex husband went out in one of his usual bad moods to the pub leaving me with the children and i prepared for bed around 10.30 pm . The front door had a very heavy curtain to keep the cold out , as i was in the kitchen i heard noises coming from the front door and as i touched the handle through the curtain it was slowly turning and trying to open . I ran to the kitchen and grabbed a long knife , i stood by the curtain with the knife ready and the door slowly very slowly pushed the curtain inwards, i froze to the spot , i could do nothing and as the door opened wide my ex husband came through the door . He said he thought i would lock the back door due to his mood .

Im ashamed to say had it been a burgler or worse i dont think i could have defended myself , the fear had me rigid .

Awful feeling


I never need to fight, cos nobody ever messes with me. They can see how badass I am. :027:


@Harbal , Yeah, l can understand that Harby !!
Donkeyman! :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:


Mountain Lions in the city FLEEEEEE!! Photo first!!! :grin: :grin:

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Yep! It’s all starting to make sense now!