Fountain pens

try using an old italiac as a leftie.

I use them whenever possible.
I also keep a journal and prefer to use either a diary or filofax for day to day stuff, rather than any electronic equivalent.

Bump for an old thread.

Anyone bought a new pen recently?

I bought a Waterman Carene - lovely pen. Using Diamine midnight ink.

Me too, Mups. I once won an Osmiroid italic fountain pen as a prize for an essay.:smiley:

Beautiful pen, Fender, I love fountain pens!:smiley:

Thanks ST,

The nib is like a nail - no flex at all, but writes like a dream.

Can it spell?

Only badly…:lol:

Mine can spell - just yesterday it turned a bolshy brat into a toad!

Can it turn the Grand Master Pin into a princess?..:mrgreen:

Bit late but I have! I always fancied a nice fountain pen so bought a Lamy Studio. I originally bought a Waterman but found it a bit too ‘scratchy’ even though it had a gold plated nib (was also a bit too flashy for my liking). I really like the understated design of the Studio and it writes very nicely:

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Beautiful pen! The Lamy Studio has been my grail pen for a while now. I love the look of the blue one.

I have a couple Lamy Safaris and a couple low end Watermans. I’m into low end fountain pens. Parkers have been my favorite so far.

Congrats on your pen. What ink are you planning on using? I’ve been looking at some beautiful sheening and shimmering inks lately.

Here’s a thread on sheening inks. I love how they change colors.

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“Can’t connect to…”.

Every fountain pen I’ve ever had/tried has been a total inky staining disaster. I’ve also never held a fountain pen that could possibly keep up with my speed of writing, without leaving long gaps in some words. Give me Papermate biros and BIC biros, any day!

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I like fountain pens but I don’t use them
I don’t write any letters anymore .
I communicate with my children and friends by internet .

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Ahh,this brought back a nice memory for me when I passed My ‘qualifying test’ or as the English say ‘11 plus test’ on My 11th Birthday…My big Brother who was 7 years older than Me bought Me a fab’ fountain pen which I used in High School until I left,…can’t remember the make,but it wrote so smoothly.


You might like the Lamy Al Star (I have one of those too) - it’s a bit more forgiving on the type of paper you can use as it flows quite ‘wet’/quick :023:

The more expensive pens seem to be a bit more picky on type of paper.

Now that I know we have some fountain pen users here we might as well start a thread on paper as well - to accompany @butterscotch’s thread on ink :003:

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I have two that I use regularly almost daily a Sheaffer flighter 444 and a Parker 51 an original one rather than the new one.
The Sheaffer replaced the one I had at school and I can write legibly with it, that is rare for me. The Sheaffer is loaded with brown ink. The Parker might be the best fountain pen ever made and it is super reliable, writes beautifully, starts immediately, loaded with turquoise ink. Makes them virtually a signature as the colours are distinctive.


with my high active 3 year daughter always into everything, we dare not leave any pens pencils out in reach unless one of us is there. she would use any found straight away on any surface. she is like a twirl wind without a windbreak.

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Love them and used to use them ar work

We had different colours of ink, junior staff could only use blue, seniors black and auditors green