Food in moderation or Eat what you fancy

Mr Kipling’s cherry bakewells are brilliant…
So are his battenburg’s and jam tarts…
I can polish off two or three per day, but the second one never tastes as good as the first one if you eat them en masse…
I can however, totally demolish a packet of McVities chocolate homewheat digestives in one go…And now I’ve mentioned them I will have to purchase a packet at my next Tesco visit…


Plain, or milk choc?

Greggs are nice, but I think Sainsburys are better

I don’t think I’ve ever had an M&S one, didn’t know they did them. Lidls are good too

Now you’ve made me feel obliged to do a comparison test to establish which are best. In the public interest of course……

Where’s the nearest Krispie Kreme?

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Shall I or shan’t I? Have put in a different postcode, but in reality this is about a 10-15 min drive away.

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I had never heard of Krispy Kreme doughnuts, then my son brought some here. I tasted one and they were so sweet and cheap tasting. He said they were very expensive…
I think l would have got diabetes, or gone really sugar hyper if l’d had eaten three of those.
Rip off price!


True. Mind you, my ailment means I can eat a whole box of them and regurgitate the whole lot, thus enjoying the flavour sensation twice (once on the way down and again on the way up), put on no weight whatsoever, and still not ruin my appetite. Don’t know whether to laugh or cry !!!

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Oh, it has to be ‘Milk Chocolate’ Arty…I can’t stand plain chocolate.

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Krispie Kreme are expensive enough but there was a posh doughnut shop near where I used to work in Bristol where doughnuts were £3.50 to £4 each!

Sainsburys here I come!


Why are they filled with holly berries, or is it coloured frog spawn?

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Nor me, Foxy… but isn’t plan dark chocolate better for you?

I think that’s some sort of nut cracknell toffee?

They do all sorts of exotic flavours


Still think, l will pass on those!

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How about donner kebab filling? That’d be exotic.

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At that price me too! They do look look good but you could get a meal for £4 quid!

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All in all, simple jam filling is probably the best

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Don’t tempt them, they do savoury……

And the latest thing with the youngsters is doughnut burgers ……

Perleeeeeze! As in NOooooh

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Think someone saw a bagel and thought, I know what, I’ll use a donut.

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That’s the rumour Arty, but could it be a ploy by the dark chocolate manufacturers to sell more dark chocolate? Have you noticed, if you want to sell a food product, you can either tell people that it’s a ‘Superfood’ that it will help to save the planet, or that there is a shortage. And people will fall over themselves to empty the shelves.

Not much of a Doughnut fan, a bit too stodgy…

Today my wife baked a batch of blueberry muffins. Exquisite. I am a lucky man!