True but I don’t believe my husband’s diet has improved and he has had same relief of symptoms as me who takes enough vitamin tablets to keep an elephant alive.
This is gold imo
Which is better? To eat lots of Natures goodness that boosts and maintains your immune system so that you will naturally stave off bugs and viruses . . . . or to allow someone to inject you with a substance of which you have no idea of the ingredients, of which you haven’t even bothered to read the info on the packet and which scientific study involving millions of people testifies is a waste of time?
Were I of criminal intent I could make £000s off some of the terminally naïve people here.
It’s not easy for everyone to figure out the right nutrition. I’m lucky, my wife does it for me.
It’s worth noting that the “fear campaign” surrounding the flu and other viruses is very much helped along it’s (imo) fraudulent path by other practices.
For example, elderly people and those with existing conditions are often said to be more vulnerable than others.
They have in many cases weakened immune systems.
The focus therefore should be on strengthening those immune systems in as natural a way as possible.
However that’s not typically how GPs and healthcare staff will operate.
When an elderly person contracts a virus what happens ? They begin to suffer the standard symptoms, fatigue, runny nose, sore throat and fever.
What does a GP do?
After taking their temperature and blood pressure and concluding that they have a fever they will recommend plenty of bed rest and fluids and crucially will give them paracetamols or equivalent drugs to force the fever down.
This is terrible imo because the fever is your own body’s natural way to fight the bugs/viruses. In raising your body temperature you prevent the bugs from replicating. Your fever is thus stopping them from reaching ever increasing numbers. The fever isn’t fighting or killing the bugs, but crucially it is halting their advance and that gives your immune system (and all the associated good guy organisms) the time it needs to wage war and kill off the bugs.
Virus and bacteria can duplicate/replicate in a short time span. Even yeasts used for making bread will double up every 90 mins or so provided the conditions/temperatures are correct to allow that to happen.
If a flu virus replicates say every 30 mins, it should be clear how invincible it will be in a short time. The numbers rise exponentially, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 and so on.
In reality you are looking at gazillions of bugs roaming around your body causing havoc in no time at all.
You fever is there to prevent that replication, but standard medical practice will see you given tablets to bring down that fever and the result of that is the bugs are then free to replicate and get out of control. In an elderly person, that could be fatal.
This is for me the kind of thing that causes the sense of fear and stress. A person may well have quite easily fended off the virus had they just let their own bodies deal with it naturally and helped it do so by eating plenty of immune system supporting foods. I would bet many elderly people haven’t the first clue which foods are good at supporting the immune system.
As already stated in this thread that the flu vaccination each year is a ‘cocktail’ of virus active in the world at the time. It is not foolproof and does not cover strain of flu which have mutated since the vaccine was formulated.
What we do know is the kind of results that can occur (for example a large rise in the death rate from flu and related conditions) when the formulation for the vaccine misses out on a mutated strain as happened here…
Flu jab blunder fuelled biggest spike in deaths since 1960s
Last year Public Health England (PHE) warned that the main strain of influenza in circulation had mutated unexpectedly. But by then it was too late to change the vaccine formula even though it meant the jab was largely ineffective.
The mutated strain, A(H3N2) was particularly lethal to the elderly, and the jab was found to work in just one in three adults, compared to the 50 per cent that it usually protects.
Today PHE admitted that the mismatched flu jab had fuelled the rise in deaths.
What better proof could there be of the efficacy of the vaccine to reduce deaths from flu.
Ok the formulation of the vaccine may not be 100% perfect when it comes to covering all the circulating stains of flu because one has mutated and it isn’t 100% effective for everyone but I would prefer any % better chance of not contracting a number of strains of flu and possibly dying by electing to have the vaccination.
There is no “proof” at all being offered there Megs. You need a scientific study for proof.
The truth of the awful blunder last year came in 2 parts:
The vaccine didn’t cover the particular strain of flu that was present that year and thus it was totally useless
The vaccine made some people more susceptible to certain strains and / or other typical Rhinoviruses (basic cold/flu type conditions) and resulted in those conditions being prolonged for many weeks.
[I]"Here is what they found when they studied the 2009/2010 pandemic flu season:
First, repeated annual flu shots may hamper certain kinds of immune responses, making young vaccinated children, who have never been naturally infected with influenza virus, “more susceptible to infection with a pandemic influenza virus of a novel subtype.” 13
Second, about 75 percent of children and adults who got influenza didn’t show any symptoms, and those who did have symptoms self managed without needing medical attention. Plus, hospitalizations and death rates for confirmed influenza infections were very low in the flu pandemic.
Third, many unvaccinated persons, who did not get sick during the pandemic flu season, were “silently” infected with pandemic influenza anyway and mounted a strong T-cell immune response to the new influenza strain. 14
Fourth, compared with people who remained unvaccinated, those who got a pandemic flu shot were more likely to get sick with an “influenza like illness” (ILI) caused by a rhinovirus. 15
Rhinoviruses cause the common cold and other upper and lower respiratory infections that give you a fever, headache, body aches and a terrible cough that hangs on for weeks"
“It is shocking that government health officials have devised a National Vaccine Plan that lobbies for every single American to get a flu shot from cradle to the grave before the real science is in. Putting vaccine policy before the science is bad public health policy. Conducting uncontrolled vaccine experiments on people, who have been taught to believe and trust government health policy and now are being forced to obey strict “no exceptions” vaccine laws, has far reaching consequences. 52”
Who remembers last September when Realist wasted so much of his time trying to convince people that the flu jab was a complete waste of time? Is that really a year ago? I suspect you’re wasting your valuable time again Realist.
Btw the only fear campaign I see here is realist with his “facts”.
FGS!!! - give a rest!!! - those of us, who, because of a compromised immune system choose to take the ‘flu’ jab, will not be convinced by your mumbo-jumbo otherwise.
Except that they are NOT my facts. Sorry to disappoint.
I’m not here trying to reach the blinkered bloody-minded individuals who refuse to be objective.
But there are those who are able to separate fact from fiction and do due-diligence and not crumble beneath the campaign of fear used to generate demand for the vaccine.
If someone doesn’t take up this free jab and dies of flu or a chest infection … Well I’d hate to be the one so sure of their information. I am not sure, I don’t have facts but it seems sensible to me to listen to our gps and nurses.
It’s almost as mind blowingly boring as your “Nasty Party” posts UJ.
Or even mind numbingly. Is that a word?
Then they would have died anyway. The science and studies tell us that unequivocally.
Your choice. You can take responsibility for your own health and education, or you can be lazy and defer to other people.
If you choose the latter you only have yourself to blame for the consequences. Point of fact, your GPs and nurses, whilst knowing that the Cochrane Library exists (as it is a standard medical reference source used by the NHS), probably don’t know about the study on the flu vaccine. Even if they do know they will tow the party line, do what they are told so as not to rock the boat imo.
Anyone considering the flu vaccine should, imo, first go to their GP and ask the following questions:
Is there any scientific evidence that proves the effectiveness of the vaccine you want to give me?
Are you aware of the Cochrane study which concluded that the vaccine only helps a tiny percentage of people?
If not, why not? -
Please may I have one of the empty vaccine packets together with the insert sheet so that I can read and research its information before I take the jab
I’m happy with either description Mr P. Both are equally correct I think.
I’m not going to upset the system tomorrow which sounds like it’s being run after hours by dedicated staff to ask for packages, I’m confident they are better educated to understand my medical needs than I am in this.
Precisely!!! so as far as I’m concerened, you can urinate elsewhere!!!
For “dedicated” read “highly incentivised”.
How could asking for a flu jab packet and insert sheet “upset the system” for goodness sake?!
Because the appointments are 5 minutes apart and in that time the nurse has to ready and give a vaccination, and take blood pressure, if I start asking for extras poor woman will be behind time for next patient. And I’m pretty sure dedicated was th word I wanted, none of them earn a fortune and they are only incentivised to help the patients.