sorry Julie but I disagree that “we” see the jabs working …I dont see this at all.
I wont be having the flu jab either now or in the foreseeable future ,its a waste of time …my opinion ofc
We as in those of us happily having them obviously not those who don’t I thought. Sorry if it wasn’t clear.
Ahh sorry Julie …I see now
I am from Yorkshire, if it’s free I am having it whether I need it or not.
I tend to agree, but I’d be more likely to take it and sell it to someone else!
No - I don’t do 'flu jabs.
I haven’t had a cold for over 30 years and have never had 'flu.
You’re lucky, being a woman. If you’d ever had man-flu you’d know about it.
Same here, I turned it down last year (didn’t think I qualified in any case) but this year they were quite insistent so they stuck the needle in on Saturday. No ill effects to speak of.
Aysa, I would never try to convince people that they should have the flu job, because it is their personal choice, but I don’t understand how you would like to see jabs working before you have one.
As a child I had small pox, polio,and diphtheria jabs. I have no idea if I ever came into contact with these diseases, so cannot prove they worked, but my parents believed they were looking after my health and I am always glad that I had them. The risk of getting these awful diseases was never worth taking
The only way to prove that a flu jab doesn’t work, for you, is if you get a severe case of flu and they can show, from testing, that it is one of the strains they have included in the jab you had.
I always think that, even if it is a waste of time, I would prefer to have it and avoid the risk, because “real flu” can actually kill people with poor heath conditions. If anybody had actually proved that the flu jab doesn’t work, it would be printed in all of the newspapers.
Many people are afraid of injections, but I suspect we would all need more than one jab if we came down with Flu in an epidemic!
As I have already said, I have had the flu jab because it was free.
I have just got home from having the anti shingles jab, also free.
But now I will have to go and have a blood test within the next couple of days.
Me thinks that they put stuff into me, and now they want to take stuff out.
I’ve never jabbed a flu and I don’t expect I ever will. Must be one of those European things to worry about.
I shall be having my flu jab next Saturday.
I can’t remember the last time I had flu, if I ever have.
So nothing to do with having a jab or not.
My husband refused flatly to have the jab, mainly because his brother said not to.
See all, hear all, say nowt,
Eat all, sup all, pay nowt,
And if ever tha does owt for nowt
Allus do it for thissen.
I’m voting this as the dumbest statement thus far on OFF in 2016 !
Better still, if we are going to be meaningful and scientific about this, test millions of people in this way, not just one, and then impartially assess the results.
Ah but we don’t need to stress. The Cochrane Collaboration has already done this for us and the result show the flu jab is pretty much useless!
If it is a waste of time, what risk are you actually avoiding ???! You are just perpetuating the “fear campaign” that is used to peddle this useless vaccination.
The flu jab is NOT free Emjay.
It is a manufacturered Big Business product. It costs to research, to manufacture, to synthesise and to ship and roll out.
The manufacturers and everyone involved down the chain are collectively making $billions from it.
That YOU, the end user (victim imo) gets to have it stuck in your arm for “free” does not make it free, no more than you buying a pair of jeans in the supermarket for £3 is nearly “free”. There is ALWAYS a cost whether you see it or not.
In this case, it is the wider NHS that will be spending $millions on these jabs as well as all the other health departments and organisations across the globe. Small wonder the powers that be (who own the politicians and food and drug authorities) have aggressively pushed the campaign to increase uotake and demand for their product !
Small wonder that NHS staff have been incentivised to help increase that demand and stick as many people as possible.
To YOU the jab might be free, but the cost is coming out of YOUR NHS which means less will be spent on far more deserving and needed things like care for the elderly and mentally impaired and so on. Partial “whistleblowers” in the NHS have stated as much in articles saying there really is no justification for spending so much money, time and effort on a vaccine that has not a shred of independent scientific evidence to back it up, when there are so many other pressing areas which need that time, effort and money.
You ARE paying for that jab, just paying for it indirectly.
Some people will take anything if it’s free.
I’m not sure if it’s just us but it’s not fear of flu drives us to have it each year, after the first one we discovered our usually winter colds are much less severe, no lingering coughs after them, no chest infections either. I don’t know if it’s been tested for those things but if works like that for both of us.
Placebos usually work quite well. Perhaps even better than the ‘real’ thing.
I wasn’t expecting it to help so much and are colds etc really in the mind ?
No, colds are real. Everyone with a weak immune system would testify to that. My point would be, if you eat the right food and do the right thing for your health, you may not need the flu jab.