FDA expediting approval for deadly flu shot
FDA expediting approval for deadly flu shot linked to autoimmune disorders, paralysis and death
“the FDA [is] fast tracking an incredibly dangerous flu vaccine called FLUAD . . . which is scheduled to be rolled out for the 2015/2016 flu season.”
“[it] has been linked to at least 13 deaths last year, prompting several countries to temporarily suspend vaccine lots containing the drug.”
“Developed by Swiss pharmaceutical company Novartis, FLUAD, also known as MF59, contains a squalene-based adjuvant that’s added to enhance the body’s immune system response. Adjuvants, many of which are toxic, are added to vaccines as a cost-effective way to increase antibody titers using fewer antigens.”
“When squalene adjuvants are introduced to the body via vaccines, the body’s immune system invokes a furious attack against its naturally produced squalene, leading to a number of autoimmune disorders including partial or complete paralysis, rheumatism and even death, according to Sott.net.”
"Vaccines containing squalene adjuvants have a pretty frightening track record. For one, these vaccines were prohibited for quite some time, thus adding less credibility to its effectiveness, and more to its risk.
Secondly, three people died within 48 hours of being vaccinated with MF59 on November 28, 2014, which was reported by the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (CIDRAP).
On November 29, 2014, that number rose to 11."
"Controversy encircled Novartis flu vaccines even before those deaths. In 2012, Switzerland, Austria, Germany, Spain and France suspended deliveries of four flu vaccines produced by Novartis after testing identified possible side effects.
Italy eventually lifted their ban, and unfortunately, 13 people paid the price with their lives."
“Thirdly, squalene adjuvants used in experimental anthrax vaccines were strongly linked to Gulf War Syndrome (GWS), also known as Desert Storm Disease, which killed more soldiers than combat. GWS symptoms include fatigue, persistent headaches, neurological symptoms (tingling/numbness in limbs), chemical sensitivities, heart problems, respiratory complications and many more.”
"Author and retired neurosurgeon Dr. Russell Blaylock warns:
“No one should take the swine flu vaccine — it is one of the most dangerous vaccines ever devised. It contains an immune adjuvant called squalene (MF-59) which has been shown to cause severe autoimmune disorders such as MS, rheumatoid arthritis and Lupus. This is the vaccine adjuvant that is strongly linked to the Gulf War syndrome, which killed over 10,000 soldiers and caused a 200% increase in the fatal disease ALS (Lou Gehreg disease),”