Flu jabs - have you had yours?

Had any colds, bouts of flu like symptoms ? Had any other seemingly unrelated health problems?

On the flip side,

I’ve NEVER had these jabs in any of my years and I too have never had the flu.

So what are we to conclude?

If we are being objective, we must conclude that our personal experiences mean diddly squat and that we must do proper research to establish the truth.

Now EZ Rider, I don’t want you getting too excited… next year is a long way off. :043::043::043:

The only conclusion I am prepared to arrive at is that we all need to arrive at our own conclusion. Just for petes sake bring it to a conclusion.:lol: Incidentally I heard today the poor old Pete has the flu. ( And he didn’t have his flu jab!):lol:

Well we all hope Pete recovers soon. :lol:

224 comments! Wow, must be some sort of record…almost a pandemic!

Oops 225 now.

For most of my adult life I never had the flu vaccine. Indeed I was extremely health oriented and only ever used Alternative medicine, particularly Traditional Chinese Medicine. I was a vegan, lived what I thought was a healthy life.
A couple of years ago I was unwell for a few weeks, a cold, I assumed. I was nursing my very ill husband so didn’t go to the G.P. This year I learned that my lungs are severely scarred, there is much damage, my lungs fill with mucus, I am prone to infections. These mean I am hospitalised on I.V antibiotics for weeks. The last one caused a collapsed lung. Due to my frail health I am told if surgery is required, my prognosis is not good. Or indeed if I contract flu.
It seems that untreated infections and flu over the years had contributed to the damage.

I had the flu vaccine and the pneumonia one this year. I can’t say categorically that they will work for me, but however small the chance, it gives me hope and I need that.

I’m much like you Callistra darlin’ except that my damaged, badly scarred lungs emanate from multiple pulmonary emboli and subsequently Asthma & COPD. I too have been receiving the ‘flu jab’ for some years and despite all the crap to the contrary, for me it has kept me away from a hospital ward.

Yes this thread is like a roundabout. I think every thing has been covered about the flu injection, and repeated many times.
It has for me now become BORING.
I am off to find other interesting threads. :039:

There must be a reason for the scarring and damage, I assume you know what that is but aren’t saying.

It also sounds like your immune system is shot to pieces if your body can’t stave off infections. Antibiotics will imo slowly erode your immune system.

Are you taking any natural antibiotics?

Well said Julie,

Well said everyone.:lol:

I agree can we all go home now??:smiley: oh they already all flu away did they??

Well said Mr Ploppy. :slight_smile:

I agree, Mart.:lol:

BTW, I’m opening a flujab shop foe all those who don’t take care of their immune system. Damn, stupid idea. It seems to be free in the UK. Off to Afghanistan.:wink:

I had mine on Monday . I ws going to be vaccinated against Shingles but when the nurse found I was two days past 80 she wouldnt do it. I was so annoyed because I was due to have it a week before [ when I was still 79 ] but I had to cancel it, I was given the Monday appointment instead, I told the receptionist that I would be turned 80 then and not eligible for it, but she said it wouldnt matter

lols Pat are you for real !!!

The Flu Vaccine “Flulaval” states on the effing packet that:

"there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL "

it also states:

“Safety and effectiveness of FLULAVAL in pediatric patients have not been established”

and also:

“FLULAVAL has not been evaluated for carcinogenic or mutagenic potential, or for impairment of fertility”

Yet you happily support the relentless fraudulent NHS programme of vaccinating vulnerable people using a “campaign of fear” to dupe them into taking it!

Seriously get your head out of the ass of the Big Pharma criminal machine.

Anyone who gives their kids the MMR needs their heads testing. INSIST on single vaccines and go wherever you have to go to get them.

I see the flulaval package insert myth is still doing the rounds.
One of the cherished strategies of the anti vaccine group is to quote vaccine package inserts, Patient Information Leaflet and Instructions for Use, to “prove” that vaccines are dangerous, vaccine deniers consider the package insert to be golden tablets of ‘the Truth’

It’s ironic that these anti vaccine groupies rail against Big Pharma as if they are demon reptilians, but the package inserts written by Big Pharma is considered gospel.
Irony abounds.:roll:

So these photos are a myth???

Just laughable

Why don’t you actually read what she said? instead of picking one line out of context.