Me too Julie I think the secret is to massage the area as soon after vaccination as possible don’t wait until it hurts
If the arm does get sore I have found an ice pack wrapped in a towel can help .
Any idea which specific vaccination you received? Did you get any paperwork?
I would assume the GP surgery keep the records it would cost a fortune to give a print out to each patient, I prefer the money to be spent on better things.
It would take just a second to ask which specific vaccine is being used. Aside from that the vaccines come in boxes with a number of “inserts” which they could simply pass on to anyone who cared to ask. Volume shouldn’t be a problem given there are so many numpties out there who don’t give a fig what’s going into their arm !
Resorting to name calling simply because people hold a different view is very churlish. Face it, people choose to disregard your copy&pasting preaching, so why carry on?
Well the other half had his flu jab this morning, no ill effects. I won’t be having one, preferring to try and boost my immune system as much as I can naturally- each to their own. I will, however, have the pneumonia once in a lifetime jab.
Had to smile, went to the surgery on Wednesday for the Flu jab and Pneumonia jab but on Tuesday I started to worry a little about having both together as have COPD and was worrying about side effects. Walked in to see the nurse on Wednesday and started making flustered excuse about coming back in a couple of weeks for the Pneumonia jab just in case and she said. "Oh good, that saves me the bother of apologising because we are currently out of stock of the Pneumonia vaccine !! Phew !
By the way, unlike the nurses that do my two weekly blood tests this nurse just walked across the room to were I was sitting and just stuck the needle in. When I said ouch! she laughed and asked what was wrong? I said, usually the nurses say “now you will just feel a little prick” as they put the needle in. she replied “ah, but then you tend to tense up and it hurts more!”
(I felt like asking for my lollipop!!)
Happily no side effects except for a slight aching in my arm from the needle.
Long time ago nurses used to say to me “just a little prick” and I replied “I know I am, but will it hurt?”
I refuse to have the Flu Injection as it only covers certain strains of Flu.
Which reminds me, we haven’t had one of those Flu scares lately…swine, bird etc Flu. I wonder what happened to those…never to be heard of again!
We were only talking about that in the pub today Artangel, someone said there was no need to use that scare this year as we had enough stuff happening in the world to keep us scared for a while to come, but don’t worry when things get better out it will come again.;-)
As you live NOWWHERE and don’t believe in injections I presume you wont be having one:shock:
Just been to have my flu jab, I have it every year, and so far have never had any sort of side effects.
Visited a couple of friends this week , in their 80s . Both had been given the flu jab a week earlier , they had runny noses and shivers , not well at all . But both felt it was for the best .
As for me , I’ll take my chances , no flu jab for me .
Heard on the TV that school children are going to be given the jab , now that does concern me . Is this really necessary?
Good for you Artangel. The “scares” are all just part of an orchestrated “fear campaign” executed by the CDC, the presentation evidence for which I posted up earlier in this thread. It’s shocking really but the world is run by crooks so they get away with it. Eventually they will make vaccines compulsory. They will invent some seemingly deadly virus and mandate that we all have the vaccine for it on the basis that otherwise we will be putting the rest of the population at risk.
Through whatever means, they WILL carry out their plan to reduce the global population from its current billions levels to their target level . . . imo.
Spoken like a true conspiracy theorist
:shock: What a stupid thing to say Realist - what qualifications have you to prove you are an expert on these statements?
I think deep down you just have a fear of needles!
Not in the leaset stupid Mags. Are you arguing from a position of strength backed by source references? Or are you arguing from ignorance and emotion?
I have previously stated my source references which show how the CDC actively perpetrated a “Fear campaign” to get people to take up the flu vaccine when in fact they didn’t need it.
Again I shall put up a link to back up my position/view on this:
"Suffering corporate sales led the CDC to develop a “Recipe that fosters influenza vaccine interest and demand.” In a series of PowerPoint presentations, Nowak instructed bureaucrats and health authorities on how to effectively manipulate the public through fear.
No Realist, I’m not arguing, I don’t believe everything I read on the web