As the title says has anyone else been offered or had their flu jab for this year 2021 had a text yesterday and booked in for Monday week as on holiday from work that week.
We are usually called towards the middle of October.
Yes have been offered a jab and accepted. My daughter works in Lloyds Pharmacy so we are having it done through them.
We usually receive notification early September so expecting it any time soon.
Yes I went into Boots Pharmacy yesterday & she advised me to get it booked now, as with the potential Covid booster they may run out of appointments at the right time… so she has booked me in for the 6th of October.
With 4 insulin jabs a day, at least 4 blood tests a day and now all these vaccinations I may go to a fancy dress at Christmas as a Collander!
We’ve had texts from our surgery offering to book from September 1st.
Then another today saying due to staff shortages it’s now September 8th.
I’m still surprised it’s so early.
But we’re away for two weeks soon, so it will be October when we get ours
@Twink55 Instead of a colander how about a pin cushion or even a dartboard?
I used to be needle phobic, until I was in hospital after a heart attack. There I had so many injections I soon lost that phobia. Now I can even watch the procedure without any problems.
They seem to be keen to fit it in with the Covid booster Ruthio, so maybe that is why they are doing it earlier!
I really don’t fancy one in each arm though
'Flu jab in one arm, covid booster in the other, no pneumonia jab this year
or I would be wondering where that was to go!
No word from my surgery yet.
I am not rushing to have a flu vaccination, the optimum time is October. If it is given too early and taking into account the the effectiveness of the vaccine gradually diminishes, have it too early and you may not be sufficiently covered for the whole flu season.
How often do you have the pneumonia ones Baz? I was told I only need one and it would last a lifetime!
I think I will go for the pin cushion costume , in red so nobody will notice the blood!
Let me tell you that at one time I was doing 8 jabs a day myself … 4 for me and 2 each for my 2 diabetic cats… now I am down to 4 for me and I inhaler for my asthmatic cat!
No I suspect they want you to leave some sort of time gap between the 2 jabs, because she said if they call me to have my covid booster I should tell them when I had my flu jab!
We were told it was every ten years.
I heard somebody say every 10 years a while back, but my doctor said they would contact me if I needed it doing again! Maybe they use different vaccines ?
@Twink55 You are of course correct, it’s a lifetime jab fortunately or it really would
be a case of wondering where that one was to go, just my little bit of fun!
I am sure they would find somewhere if they really wanted to Baz !
I had the pneumonia jab four or five years’ ago now. When I actually had pneumonia I was just over zero years’ of age, I also had jaundice. At around 3lb 2oz birth weight and born at seven months I have been told I am lucky to have survived, especially in the early days of the NHS. No Idea myself, I don’t remember any of that, fortunately.
I’ve never had one, and can’t see myself ever having it.
One of my neighbours has been invited to have hers and she’s off for it tomorrow.