:!:“The Man Of Steel.” Awesome!
Desolation of Smaug. Really good.
The Harry Potters over Christmas one more to go, and Gone with the wind.
Something’s Gotta Give with Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton, made me laugh and cry, going through my dvd collection deciding on the ones that can go to charity shop and which ones I really cannot give away
Love to watch Jack Nicholson although its hard to say his best movie because he made so many.
If I had to choose I would have to go for Has Good As It Gets this I have on a rerun every couple of months, with Hunt great actress/Kinnear/Goodings great actors to.
The Hunger Games: Catching Fire (2013)
A year after winning the 74th Hunger Games, Katniss Everdeen and her partner, Peeta Mellark must go on what is known as the Victor’s Tour wherein they visit all the districts. But before leaving, Katniss is visited by President Snow who fears that Katniss defied him a year ago during the games when she chose to die with Peta.
This film surprised me a great deal as it was well acted and had a very plausible and easy to understand story line even though I hadn’t seen the previous films. Will be trying to get my hands on them now though.
Have to see it every time it’s on TV
Jack Nicholson ~ always good
Diane Keaton ~ she’s OK but not a favourite
Keanu Reeves ?
nice film … relaxing, poignant, kind of love it
Gravity :: Sandra Bullock and George Clooney
Awesome special effects.
Yesterday we watched REDS II, excellent film, really funny. Still mind blowing to see Dame Helen as a gun toting ex Secret Agent Assassin!
But a film to be wary of? Please please please do not waste your cash on going to see the I Frankenstein movie. Total dross. Terrible dialogue, dreadful script, stupid premise (Gargoyles are really Angels in disguise?!), and the only actor I recognised, Bill Nighy, was so hammy you could have sliced him and ate him in a roll, and about as scary as a care bear. I quite literally almost dropped off twice during the film and that was despite the overload sound-track.
12 Years a slave
Thanks for telling us about 'I Frankenstein" Des, being a horror fan I had made a note to see it, I’ll give it a miss.
lord of the rings, good fantasy not tolkien won’t bother with the hobbit, yes it is another trilogy again not tolkien, so won’t be getting the video’s, why do they buy books if they are going to make the story up anyway
I watched Blue Jasmine a couple of weeks ago and thought it was brilliant, Cate Blanchett and Sally Hawkins were perfect.
I have ‘Wolves of Wall Street’ on my hard disk but haven’t got round to watching yet. Very mixed reports from people who have seen it.
I could (sort of) understand how they got three films out of Lord of the Rings after all it is three books but the Hobbit? It’s a very slim children’s book.
Because I enjoyed Lord of the Rings so much in the early 70s (read it while travelling on buses and trains to India :-D) I haven’t dared to watch the films in case they spoil it I shall treat the Hobbit likewise.
As an aside I have only seen one film which was better than the book it came from - Atonement - great film, mediocre book.
I kind of like older movies these days . Plus because of health reasons its not wise to venture out to cinemas.
Anyhow all the new stuff they are putting out these days are so short on storylines.
So this week I downloaded and enjoyed watching 2 excellent movies, Chocolat/The Cider House Rules.
I did download that I.Frankistien last night and gave it a viewing total crap to put it bluntly just like Daisymay wrote.
Although she may have wrote it in finer words…
What did you make of it …?
I watched Black Swan on TV last week but didn’t really get it - the supposed lesbian scene (or was it?), the murder of her rival (or was it?) Too cryptic for me I’m afraid, but I did enjoy the brief snatches of actual ballet.
I can’t remember the last film I was enthralled by.
Me neither - too long ago …
12 years a slave.
Very quick download around 20mins.
Was a slow starter but it grips you.
An excellent movie I thought based on a true story.
I wonder when will some movie producer have the guts to make a movie on how the British slaved the Irish and bred them with the blacks to make a stronger working slave. Also starved them to near death.Yes us Brits did our fair share of slaving it wasn’t only the US as we are always led to believe.
Guess that would be to close to home.
:shock: :shock: I’m ashamed to say I never knew this.
As you say - too close to home although a couple of good producers did show the cruelty to the Native Americans …