Film - the most recent you have seen?

MKJ you seem determined to ‘prove’ to me that Paul Potts is some sort of operatic wunderkind. But I have never denied that he has a pleasant voice, to me it is not particularly brilliant, but pleasant all the same. All I ever said was that I preferred the Presley version of that particular song. Some songs can ‘take’ an operatic makeover (have you ever listened to an El Divo Cd?) and some cannot, and to me turning this beautiful love song into an operatic aria is over doing it.

Funnily enough my son said the same thing, but by 'eck it must have taken some working out.

The only thing that niggled me at the time, and to be honest still nags at me a little, is that I am sure have seen a similar ‘routine’ elsewhere and for the life of me cannot think where.

It put me in mind of the “bullet time” sequences in the Matrix movies, Daisymay. Maybe that’s where you saw it before?

(EDIT: I just noticed your sig about the cwtch and on another forum I use I’ve seen someone from Wales who refers to it as well. Small world, eh!)

Me again, looks like I live at the cinema, but went there again last night. I actually dislike Tom Cruise, to me he comes over as smarmy and creepy, despite, or maybe actually even because of the big boyish grin, which always strikes me as false and contrived. I do not even particularly rate him as an actor, again believing he relies on the grin to carry him through. So, why did I go to see Edge Of Tomorrow, then? Well to see him being killed over and over and over again of course. And actually it was quite good, not so good though that it prevented me from predicting the end. I is a smartarse I is.

Not one of them time travel thingies again is it? They do my ed in.

I watched Sunshine on Leith last night. Not what I expected, it was a musical and I didn’t think they made the most of Jane Horrocks but I watched it to the end.

More of a sci fi version of Groundhog Day :wink:

Very well put, Daisymay. “Edge of Tomorrow” wasn’t a bad film, but not one I would watch again.

I’ve just watched Godzilla and that WAS a terrible film. It plods along at a slow pace and even the action bits, where titanic monsters clash, invariably take place in the middle of the night! Often you don’t see the monsters at all, and all you get to see is the rubble they left behind as they headed off somewhere else. “Yes folks, this colossal beast awoke, tore itself out the earth, smashed it’s way through jungle and city alike but… er… we didn’t bother filming that bit.” Not one to watch unless you’re a fan of the B movies, and even then prepare to be disappointed.

Dirty Dancing - classic of it’s day

I actually enjoyed Godzilla, and I don’t know what you saw, but I saw all three creatures quite well several times. And I would say that Edge of Tomorrow had plot holes big enough to drive a bus through!

I love that film - was not so keen on the sequels/prequels that followed it though. We lost a talented dancer when Patrick Swayze died.

Just watched DVD of “Becoming Jane” - what on earth possessed the film makers to cast an american actress as Jane Austen? Anne Hathaway is a beautiful woman and, I am certain, she has talent - but not in this role. Her deportment was all wrong and her accent deplorable.

First is was Renee Zelweger portraying Beatrix Potter as a smarmy simpering idiot - now this. Why do they do it?

Went to cinema last week to see The Jersey Boys :slight_smile:

That’s no good gal - what did you think of it …?

The last film I seen at the cinema was Bridget Jones, about a hundred years ago!


I enjoyed the film - about Franki Valli and the Four Seasons so I was dancing in my seat - well wiggling my bum ! :lol:

I’m no good at critiquing films or books - either like them or not - simples :-).

Wasn’t asking for a critique as such - just whether you liked it :-p Some films sound great and are a right let down, I know its a matter of taste, but I’d respect yer taste on that film … you being a connisir of dance :-p
Yes I know wrong spelling, meant to be :smiley:

I went to the cinema last week… The Jersey Boys wasn’t as good as I’d hoped & expected it would be … My friend & I came away feeling very disappointed… They didn’t even sing ‘Let’s hang on’ one of their biggest hits!!
The music was good but not enough of it… The dialogue was boring.

On a scale of 1-10 I’d give it 4.

Hello Carol, sorry to see you didn’t think much of the film. I can’t make up my mind whether to see it or not, as we went to the stage show in London and it was absolutely cracking!!
It was a total joy, and I bought a Franki Valli CD the very next day!
I urge you to see the show, definitely 10/10 for me :smiley:

And yes I’m pretty sure they sang your favourite song.

12 years a slave. I still think about it. I think it’s because it was a true story. I can’t believe people with a different colour of skin have been treated like that. It was harrowing, but good.

Before that it was “Sunshine on Leith”. Brilliant :smiley: