Feelin' Lonely, Tonight!

There are people here who value my membership a lot less than I do. :slightly_smiling_face:

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what makes you think he doesn’t??

I’d never heard of this, but went and had a look. It does seem full of young people (study groups and gamers) but it looks a good place to chat with people you know. Like one of those party line telephone calls back in the day!


FWIW I’m not one.

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It was my own fault, Artangel, for not mentioning it. You’ve done no wrong. It wasn’t mentioned by me, then, because it was not agoraphobia that was making me lonely…trust me! :slight_smile:

If I can’t sleep I prefer to listen than to watch.You can do it with your eyes closed.

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That sounds pretty good, too, actually…I’ve never tried that, indoors. Thanks, for that.


Well I’m sure you’ll brighten the place up no end when your personality arrives at wherever it’s going. :slightly_smiling_face:


thought this might cheer you up?

MODERATORS / ADMINISTRATORS: It might be wise to clip the tail of this thread…it’s had more than enough screen time, and I didn’t intend it to become a long one.

Just…an idea, that’s all.

you giving advice to the controllers > - you’ve gotta hope?

There’s only the Bots out there :slight_smile:

And they only arrive when you don’t need them - never when you do! :roll_eyes:

passing into the wind mate, no chance.

Oh, okay…not to worry.

shall I bring back Elvis for a final encore??

Have you been to see the film yet?
It’s absolutely phenomenal 10/10 :+1::clap: :boom::trophy:


Don’t be so hard on yourself, nobody is perfect, except of course my EX MIL and her daughter.

We all make mistakes and most of them, unless your are a complete uncaring pillock, are not deliberate, it is just a fact of life and is very, very, rarely deliberate.

We do what we think is best, we want our kids to avoid the same mistakes we made.

Absolutely no chance, they are are going to make the same mistakes, all part of growing up.

All we can do is to try to limit the damage, there will be tears, we cannot save them from life, but we can save them from predatory pillocks.

They need someone they can turn to without getting a bollocking.

First love rarely turns out to be permanent, so they need support, not blame.

That is part of being a Dad, you have to differentiate between growing up and your kids being manipulated and abused.

A fumble between two 14year olds, both curious, is no great shakes.

A 20 year old and a 14 year old is, at least in my life.

The 20 year old would not have enjoyed the experience for long.

Just my view on things.

and the title is and it’s about ??

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