Good evening all, just wondering do any of you do or pop in and out of family history and do you use the online research data bases?
Hi Kazz, I don’t but I know @DianneWoollie has done a fair bit of research into her husbands ancestry.
@Kazz I would like to Kazz but have never had time and live too far away from the family records in Derbyshire and birth dates etc .
My Dad’s cousin in Hastings traced the paternal line back to the 11 hundreds and the crusades, I would like to trace my mother’s line.
I dip in and out but watching programmes like who do you think you are gets my interest. I think I should do more people based my Aunts and cousins do loads too but given the lockdown travel restrictions may take the time to visit the locations etc.
I have some knowledge of my family history as has been handed down
Meg you can do lots and lots online; you should try interesting and what have you got to loose and it sucks up time like a sponge LOL
That’s impressive
I started researching my family in 2003 when I retired and have been able to get back to the 1400s for one of my branches. I use the internet sites and have also visited various record centres around the country. I enjoy wandering around graveyards looking for family gravestones.
I have a story about my family that I like to tell. The basics are. My surname is, I say, an anglicised version of a Viking name & my ancestors settled in Scotland & then during the Scottish Battles for Independence were, being good Scottish people, fighting for that independence.
What a lot of people do not know, I then say, is the behaviour of the English after they won. My family. I claim. Lost their wealth & land to the barbarian English as a result of simply being Scottish.
But we still have the family title & my daughters will, I hope, inherit that title. Laird of the Islets of Langahans.
Not sure I understand the question. (?)
But no. I get all the family history I need from family.
I use Ancestry and Find My Past , and had my DNA done .Got a lot on both side of my parents right back to 1750 … Lots of Newspaper stories too which ive found the best in researching ancestry .
Newspapers can fill in the in between years of the ten year census .
Sorry I mean some people start stop ie pop in and out of family history.
I use Ancestry and Find My Past , and had my DNA done .Got a lot on both side of my parents right back to 1750 … Lots of Newspaper stories too which I’ve found the best in researching ancestry .
Newspapers can fill in the in between years of the ten year census .
Did you find Find My Past useful or covering what Ancestry did not?
I haven’t done it, but my sister has been doing it for years now. Whilst I’m interested in it. I have reams and reams of info from her going way back. TBH I can’t remember how far back she’s at now.
I couldn’t do it, sitting for hours and hours online. I understand the interest and finding it all out - but as I say, I couldn’t sit around for hours researching.
I have done in the past but it is very time consuming visiting records offices and costly getting copies of certificates. But with the Internet these days is more accessable and in the future will be easier for people to research their family history.
yes I got most of my info off FMP they also had the 1939 Register all under the one subscription I had chose .
Ive only just this year not renewed it after a hike of almost 50ÂŁ, I had been with them for 15yrs .
Good evening all, just wondering do any of you do or pop in and out of family history and do you use the online research data bases?
Oh Yes - love it! I mostly use It does become addictive.
will be easier for people to research their family history.
Not so sure about that now given the current trends - families with four (or more) children all with different fathers - sex changes - surrogacy etc., - I think it could become extremely complex!
I used, the Sally Army, and the Mormon’s websites to research my family’s forebears but couldn’t get anywhere before 1841 for most of them. The 1841 census is the 1st one to be digitised and uploaded to the web because all previous censuses were destroyed I seem to remember. I do have birth certificates for one line of my mother’s ancestors that goes back to George Stevenson (of The Rocket fame) that has left me wondering if that is where I get my taste for all things scientific, technological and engineering from.