False Nails

I know each to their own, but I could not live with those attached to my fingernails, for a start, how can anyone clean, with them great long talons on their nails,?

Ooh, I’ve just broken a nail ,how many times have I heard that.

Would/ do you wear them?

What are the benefits of wearing them?

I also had a friend who wore them, no natural light getting to her own nails, her own nails went black after wearing them for so long, it’s not natural wearing them day in day out.:shock:

I have never worn false nails, but do admire them on other people occasionally. Some designs are really pretty, but it does worry me about the glue seeping into your skin, or whatever they use. Also the nail bars round here stink to high heaven.

Hi Pauline :slight_smile: I don’t wear false nails neither do I varnish them and it is a mystery to me why anyone does :confused:.

I guess some will say ‘they look nice’ but for me there are more important things than ‘looking nice’ like cleaning/cooking/gardening . I don’t think false nails would stand up well to a days gardening or making bread.
What is wrong with well trimmed clean natural nails.

No, Pauline, I do not like false nails. I grow mine to whatever length I want them and do use nail varnish if I am going out for a night out ( remember those?) but I always take it off again before going to bed. Would never varnish my toenails.

I wear false nails because, 1, I like them 2, because my nails are rubbish.
They are what you have for a normal size length.
As for gardening with them. I do my garden and 2 others plus another as and when needed. Nothing destroys them.
What you need to know is that there are different salons. Most use cheaper products. You have to find one that uses good quality glues etc.

I dont like people with long or false nails that are all showy and glittery, they just look dirty to me. If they are normal lookng and pretty plain polish ok…

My daughter had nails done to help her get over her nail biting habit (didnt work) and to look decent at a job interview.

Personally for my lifestyle they wouldnt work. I know I would get them caught up somewhere.

Men with long nails…bleh nasty

I used to wear them many, many moons ago. I recall a night in a dark smoky club, lit only by those ultra violet bulbs that were so popular back in the sixties (remember all the fellahs in suits with all the dandruff on their shoulders in plain view? :-))

Anyway, there was this bloke I fancied something rotten, and he was there that night. We were all talking (shouting over the music) and laughing at something he’d said - I affectedly put my hand on his shoulder as I laughed (come on, I was 17, cut me some slack!), and three of my white painted false nails came off, clinging to his purple mohair sweater. OMG, how embarrassing! All my friends were convulsed with laughter as I crept around behind him trying to retrieve them without him realising :043:

I don’t wear false nails as I am blessed with nice natural nails and cuticles so I grow my own nails and I have them overlayed with gel nail polish at a nail salon. I usually do a manicure and pedicure at the same time.

I have a short/medium length as it suits my lifestyle. See picture attached.


Each to their own, I think false nails, are just that, “ false”…they look tacky to me,:slight_smile:

I couldn’t bear cooking or mixing my ingredients ,especially when I make meatballs, with all that squishing through the fingers,…having false nails on, I’d worry one would drop off and be cooked in the ingredients,:shock:

I wonder why some men have long fingernails,I have seen a few in my time, :slight_smile:

Could be they play guitar, maybe? Fingernails instead of using a plectrum?

I also used to wear lash extensions, because I liked the look of them on a friend, you had them infilled every two weeks, I lasted 3 months with them, they are permanently stuck on to your own eyelashes, with glue, by a beautician ,they drove me crazy,they fell off naturally, another thing with them, you can end up losing your own eyelashes, the glue made my eyes itch like Henry, I’ve left vanity at home ,it can cost you dearly…I only wear lipstick now, and tinted moisturiser , I can’t stand thick make up.

Actually, one guy my son knew ,had one long fingernail to play his guitar.

ST, I used to permanently wear nail varnish on my toenails,I think that’s how I ended up with fungal toenails, as my nails couldn’t breath,:slight_smile:

Petra, if they make you happy, it doesn’t matter what others think,:slight_smile:

…that brought back memories,when I used to wear false eyelashes, I was kissing a boyfriend,one of them fell off!!..

You have beautiful nails,Minx, personally,I think they would look nicer with a natural nail varnish…that pink covers up the beauty of the nails, just my opinion,:slight_smile:

One other fashion I loathe is the one where the nails are squared off and just the tips painted white - looks revolting!

Absolutely…as fake as fake can be.

Says she, who was once the fakest female on the planet…me that is…,:lol::lol:

I used to look like a clown…everyone used to tell me I looked better without it, did I listen…” nope”…:lol:…I was very young though…