Eye test and new glasses

So, all three of us went for our eye tests today, I was quite impressed by all the latest things they can now do, they took a detailed photo of my eyes and, apparently,I’m developing cataracts, as is Mrs,p, it may not develop into anything for a good few years if at all , but I have to have eye tests every two years unlike Mrs,p who has to go yearly as her dad had glaucoma, mind you, it was an expensive day as all three of us needed new glasses, we spent nearly a thousand pounds between us…ouch…

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Oh my gosh, yes! They (sorry, my opticians) sent me an email with my prescription, and a photo of my two eyes which showed blood vessels and everything!! It was the weirdest thing I have ever seen to be honest, but it was fascinating too. I had to get reading glasses at £156!! That was a shocker, considering I had been using pound shop glasses for the last 3 years! :open_mouth:

Yes, had mine done a while back Primus…brilliant what the optometrist can see in the eyes…I spent nearly £1,000 on two pairs, well worth it though.

FWIW, I had cataracts. I got news lenses. That’s about a couple of years ago. The difference is amazing.

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Just got back from the hospital for a followup from the minor eye operation to remove a cyst from the eyelid. Report no tumour healed ok -snelling test ok to drive- pressure no change having got glaucoma- small amount of conjunctivitis but not enough to have to worry about at the moment

So in other words I am ok to look thorugh keyholes in a brothel


Had the same when I recently went for a check up, developing cataracts. Suppose one of the joys of getting older.
Only plus was my prescription hadn’t changed.

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Is that from the outside or the inside rs?:face_with_hand_over_mouth:

Oh, I wouldn’t worry about having a cataract removal. I had one several years ago and it was no big deal. I’d suggest a local anaesthetic, though I think they might offer you a general but in my opinion not only is that unnecessary but aftercare and follow up after a general anaesthetic is not worth the trouble.
I’d also recommend varifocals. They do cost more, but they are far better for both distance and close/reading vision.

Was it a painful procedure? I’m developing cataracts which will probably need attention at some point.

No, not at all painful. The second eye was a few weeks after the second.

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Eye test a few weeks ago. I have cataracts too, but they are slow growing. Dread having the ops, but will have to eventually. Had new specs £175 just one pair as hardly any change & I can still use the old ones.

The ops were just fine. And vision is brilliant. I had specs since I was about 14 years old. Varifocals for most of my life. Not now…

I developed PVD (Posterior Vitreous Detachment) in one eye and blurred vision in the other a couple of weeks after my AZ vaccination. (As an aside, I’ve no proof it was from the jab but at the time there were thousands of eye problems listed on the Government website figures, more than anything else. I used to check every week on the numbers, but gave up when the masses had their jabs).

Anyway, I’ve still got the problems in both eyes and at some point this year (I think) will be due for an appt. Can’t remember when I last went, but it was pre Co-Vid days, so it must be 3 yrs since I last had an appt.

Hopefully my vision will improve with new lenses and I will be able to see better. I’m not impressed though … I could do without the expense. :icon_eek:

I know, it’s an irrational fear. I’ve got varifocals too, had them for years.

After the operation you wouldn’t need them.
And yes, I understand the irrational fear. I had it too. I told the surgeon afterwards that that I was very nervous during the operation. “Oh, I could have given you something for that.”
“Next time” was my comment. That gave him a smile. I had already both eyes done…

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Me too. I had a vitrectomy and epiretinal peel. Same eye as the cataract.
It was quite interesting too. They replaced the vitreous, or most of it, with liquid and (I suppose unavoidably) with a little gas. The interesting bit was being aware of a bubble presenting itself in the lower half of my vision. As time went by (2 or 3 weeks) the bubble got smaller and smaller until it finally disappeared.

Oh knickers, did you have to put that… I shiver over anything to do with eyes. Honest I do. Gives me the eebijeebis.
Glad it’s ok JB :023:

Thanks. But don’t worry. Again, I chose to have a local anaesthetic which resulted in no pain at all, though it was just beginning to come back at the end.
Yes, it sounds scary, doesn’t it? It wasn’t, though. Trust them!
I can think of much worse things, though. Like a toenail removal, for example. :scream:

Many years ago I started seeing a new optician who asked questions about my general health - my reply was everything was fine thanks. He asked the same question every time I saw him over a period of years, my reply was always the same. At age 50 I had a bone density scan which showed I had severe osteoporosis and a follow up blood test showed a massive about of calcium in the blood caused by a tumour on my parathyroid glands. After months of tests I eventually had my parathyroid glands removed and although it took over 10 years for my bone density scans to show normal, during my next appointment with the optician he said - so good to see you are better! Amazing what they can see through the skin and eyes.