Exercise anyone?

cant do mutch right now but a bit more then the week before
got to be carfull

Arthur, it is not just the effort that you put in it is also the stress that builds up as your mind tries to find ways of doing better. I stll think it is too much for someone who has had three attacks unless they were just severe anxiety attacks.:smiley:

Hey, reading your posts pixie youā€™re doing fine. Amazingly well, Iā€™d say after what youā€™ve been through.

And there I was Ann darlinā€™ thinking Iā€™d see you taking part in the New York marathon - :lol::lol::lol::lol:

My exercise is walking with the dog twice a day, usually for about an hour each time. I also include housework as exercise as well :slight_smile:

Used to play squash and badminton few years back, but my legs wonā€™t move as fast these days!:slight_smile:

What would we do without these dogs to drag us out for our exercise ??:lol:

Hail, rain, snow, sunshine, they have us out there, they just donā€™t care!:lol:

freezing rian here tomorow so staying safe staying home
will walk the steps insted :wink:

Exercise makes you feel better. And you can eat more if you exercise regularly without putting on weight! My love of eating overcomes my laziness.

Cycling and badminton for me.

Having just (3 weeks ago) had a hip replacement, exercise is a strict no,no, but on the other hand, surgery has not affected my appetite in any way.

they say now I can walk a hoyr a day afyr my heart surgary with living in canada
its not walking weather :wink:
if its icy and wind chills the mall would be the only place

Ann darlinā€™ - you stay put at home and munch on those doughnuts and coffee

going to se the surgan next tue the cardolgist wensday so will be going to re hab after that ;0

Ann darlinā€™ - thatā€™s fabulous news. Do you get to pick where you can convalesce??? Florida might be nice at this time of year.:lol::lol::lol:

I try to walk as often as I can and I do walk really fast when I do walk. Ive also changed my diet this week after my cholesterol scare and Ive lost 3lbs in a week so obviously my diet wasnt as healthy as I thought it was. :wink:

its not like that joe :wink: its like a jym were I have to go :wink:

Oh Ann darlinā€™ - thatā€™s not nice!!! - just be careful!!! - the last time I visited a gym I contracted a blood clot in my lung (pulmonary embolism) and ended up back in hospital again - so just very gentle exercises for the moment and build up slowly.

Tonight is my Scottish Country Dancing night. Brilliant aerobic exercise with lots of fun. 2 hours of non stop exercise and aching bones tomorrow!

Oh that sounds like great fun stablelady, wish they did that down here, very unlikely on the south coast! A two hour workout (thatā€™s the whole weekā€™s worth done and over with then?). A mate of mine goes to line dancing and has asked me along, I am still thinking about it cos I have no sense of left and right!

Think Iā€™ll sit that out darlinā€™ - far too strenuous for my liking.