Everyday food could be causing 90 per cent of cancers, according to study

I am a compulsive food label reader - and will not buy anything that uses palm oil.


I’m like that too…It was always about the environment before, but now to discover its actually dangerous for your health, well…something needs to be done now.

It’s ok to eat doughnuts if for every one you eat, you have a piled up plate of boiled brussels sprouts. It’s not about avoiding things you like completely but about balancing them with healthy foods (the food pyramid)

Why don’t the government just ban palm oil then?

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Too much money involved. Its cheap to make and you can sell a lot of it.

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Why don’t the government do a lot of things?
They don’t, end of!
Perhaps that is more than something to do with why the country is in the state it is?

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Looking at the food some people eat I am not surprised it causes cancer.

In the days when I used to go to the supermarket I would marvel at the trolley loads of rubbish some people had which were loaded high with artificial looking cakes/snakes/ biscuits/cheap processed meat / carbonated drinks and hardly a any fruit and vegetables and I doubt they were going to the farm shop for those instead.
Heaven knows what was in the ‘foods’.

I think the only thing I have used in the past with Palm oil was soap.

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Yet they keep selling this junk. If you go to countries in Europe they have far less processed junk in supermarkets.

i prefer this study

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Funny! :joy:

Zounds, Nothing at all healthy about those - spawn of the devil!

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Brussels sprouts – absolutely delicious! Did you know ST that the taste of these has been deliberately changed over recent years so they are no longer tasting as they used to?
:thinking: :grinning:


Er…it’s not the taste that bothers me. I quite like them…they just don’t like me very much…:flushed:

Oh I see, just guessing that this could be the problem?

I'm Gassy Today Smiley

Understood, say no more!

No, no, NO!! Vile horrible things fit only for the compost heap! Have tried every method of cooking them - someone once gave me a Brussels Sprout recipe book* as a joke, and I do give them a try occasionally, Baz, as I know one’s taste buds can change over time - but - still spawn of the devil and no place for them in my kitchen!


Everybody to their own ST, I appreciate we are all different, thank goodness.
I cannot imagine life without Brussels sprouts, but that’s just me.

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Buttered Brussels Sprouts with Pancetta & Black Pepper


:yum: :yum: :yum:

Absolutely deeeelicious!

As Victor Meldrew might comment!

the secret to yummy sprouts is all in the preparation. You have to be ruthless with the stalk and peel off the ouside leaves. I like to cut mine in half too.

Oh so do I - just before I feed them to the compost goblins!

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