Energy: SMART Meters

Ahh, thanks Mups, I must have missed that.

Just looked back and found Judd’s post, it was Post 260. :slight_smile:


Thanks Mups, Read it

Gawd you’re a misery - never heard of smoke detectors?

The chance of your tumble dryer or washing machine catching fire must be minuscule you have far more chance of being run over by a bus.

Judd’s post exposes your misinformation for what it is. All the evidence on smart meters shows that if you do nothing your bill will be approximately the same or marginally less.

Certainly not the 200% or 300% rise that your scaremongering insists will be the case, like most of your farcical claims - absolute nonsense.

I was called by my supplier, EDF (who I’ve been with since moving into this flat over 24 years ago), who tried getting me to agree to a meter. On his third attempt of asking why I didn’t want one, what was it about them that I didn’t like etc., I scoffed down the phone loudly and said ‘you’re not listening to me, are you?! I’m not interested!!’ And disconnected.

I have always read my own meter (for goodness sake, it’s not hard!), and enter the figures on their website. It instantly calculates what I owe. If I feel like paying up straightaway, then I will. Or I wait for a few days till they ‘send the bill’ (by email).

Oh, I refuse to use my WM at night, because as I leave all my doors propped open it would disturb me. I don’t have a tumble (use those at the launderette). I have a mini oven rather than a full size (it broke down years ago and haven’t had it mended or replaced).

My bills go up every quarter, by what I consider to be extortionate sums, but I am positive that having a smart meter is not going to change my lifestyle. As I live alone I can please myself on electricity usage.

This is Yorkshire you know Rehab

Dishwashers and Tumble dryers haven’t got this far north yet

You should contact them and change your plan to a cheaper one. Otherwise they will keep raising your tariff.

Visit Cheap Energy Club and sign up - it’s free!

They will do a comparison and show you the cheapest options. If you want to change supplier, they will do it and also remind you when your tariff is about to end and give you another comparison if you want to change again.

We should all change suppliers regularly, as they know nothing of loyalty.

A quick tip
If you have lots of Hot drinks during the day, invest in a stainless steel flask ( not the glass type) ,buy a large one and fill this in the morning, it’s surprising how long it stays hot,

We’ll have to see. Pardon me if this dimwit doesn’t take your word for it.

If the uptake on smart meters isn’t forthcoming no company will dare raise their prices for fear of losing customers. In any event, my bills won’t rise ‘stratospherically’ as apart from my fridge and electric shower my electricity requirements are minimal.

I don’t want a smart meter as the suggested consequences are very believable.
My supplier, EDF, keep offering me a smart meter and sound as if they’re doing me a big favour!
I really don’t have any need for one of these things and so will continue to ignore their kind offers. Time will tell.

But you get a gizmo to play around with lol.

I’ll never get a smart meter - I believe they will hike the prices up at some stage.

Energy companies are under immense pressure from the government who have tasked them with rolling out Smart Meters by 2020. If they fail they have huge financial penalties. With so many people “awake” and refusing these wicked meters it looks very much like they WILL fail. Unless of course the government starts mandating them . . . .

It’s high time the population stood up to this kind of blatant corrupt exploitation for greed. There needs to be a revolution.

I had a call from Scottish Power today following up on my complaint about the agressive sales techniques of its telesales staff and his insistence that meters would be compulsory by 2020.
The lady was very apologetic and informed me that was not correct and that my phone number would be removed and that I would receive no more calls with regards to smart meters.
This evening I received an email about booking an appointment to fit a smart meter


I must admit that a lot of the advice given on here has certainly helped me in fending off my energy supplier and it’s telesales staff, so thanks all

Oh dear, you do make me laugh Rehab. :lol:
Poor you. :hug:

It’s not just about money though, customer service is important too.

If I were you, I’d call them every hour on the hour to remind them that you don’t want one of their ridiculous smart meters. They’ll get pretty fed up after a bit, and then you can explain why!

Fight fire with fire. :mrgreen: