Good Morning All! Enjoying first cuppa coffee with a satisfied kitten which enjoyed a platter of Sheba Tuna, sleeping soundly on big futon.
I know we’re from all around the Earth here, the beauty of this site to bring us all together.
My wee query today, is rather specific but I’m hopeful someone can help.
I’ve an Energy Complaint which is ongoing and will reach 6 months on the end of this month of May. Patience, as usual, is running scarce lol!
Therefore, anyone using Scottish Power for their supply of both gas and electricity, please, would you recommend them as a supply company?
I’m shopping around at the moment, and I’m looking for honest opinions. Cheers for your help and consideration. Here’s a virtual bottomless cuppa as a treat 

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We once switched to Scottish power years ago, soon switched back to British Gas as they were awful, been with octopus energy for a few years no complaints as yet
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Had time earlier this evening @Primus1 to read Trustpilot Reviews as well as the website for Octopus Energy.
So far
is looking promising as I’ve been into Green-type savings in general for a long time and saving money are much higher priorities. Once again, I’ll have to wait until the completion and resolution before taking the plunge.
Thanks for the recommendation, much appreciated!
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Avoid Scottish power like the plague,octopus energy are very good,we have been with them for about 5 years and have never had a need to complain.
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Thanks for recommending. I’ve read various reviews in particular Trustpilot. I’m convinced. Cheers!
You are very welcome Supernatural.
S Power are a nightmare believe me,i had bailiffs sending me threatening letters for months,i did not have an account with them for months.
Cut a long story short,they sent me a cheque for £100 compensation.
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I’ve been with Utility Warehouse for a few years now, and have not had any serious problems. I send them a meter reading once a month, for both gas and electric. They did try to interest me in a Smart Meter a few times, but I said no thanks. My bill has crept up recently, but that is due to a lower Government subsidy payment. Not sure if they operate in Scotland.
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We have been with SSE now OVO for many years with no problems.
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