
No I don’t think they had time she was rushed into hospital when her transplanted kidney was failing, so they couldn’t write her out. From what I remember they mentioned a week or two later she had gone to care for a friend but I don’t think she was properly written out.

I’ve just done a search on her but there’s no mention of what happened since leaving Emmerdale, poor woman has had a hard time, going blind and then losing her baby son, just awful!:frowning:

Well that was a turn up for the books!

What a great verdict and result.

Think the actress who plays Charity is pregnant so it’s a good way for her to exit for her maternity leave.

She is, definitely. I watched a video of her saying she will be away for a year to have her baby, something which excites and frightens her!

I have the Emmerdale pop ups on FB and Twitter and they have links to articles/videos.

Wow well I never saw that one coming ! Lovely seeing Rachel back but what a surprise !!

Well now what are they going to do?!

Well now, I’m know I’m a bit slow at times, but I didn’t understand tonights episode at all.
I think I missed a bit, because when Rachael first picked up her real baby, (forgotten his name just at this mo), where did he suddenly materialise from? I can see that Jai got caught out by a conman, but who had the real child all this time? Don’t get it . . .

Child was in a car outside in the road with a lady - friend I would guess.

I couldn’t understand that.

And what annoys me is that Ali shouting at Jai over his actions but even she didn’t realise the child wasn’t Archie, and she’s supposed to be his aunt!

Come on Emmerdale, don’t treat your viewers like fools.

It reminded me of the East Enders episodes when Ronnie took Kat´s baby and not one single person recognised the babies had been changed. Quite frankly I thought that was the most ridiculous storyline ever, I can´t believe that nobody noticed the babies had changed ! Also if the baby than Jai now has was “stolen”, wouldn´t it have been on the news or in the newspapers that a child was missing?

If they are not my toddlers/babies I really don’t see a difference unless they are very different colours or something, may be I am not very curious but they don’t really interest me much.

And it would depend where the child came from - stolen and trafficked we don’t hear about them.

They did mention trafficking in the episode, so it might not be missed by its parents. Or they could have sold it to raise funds. We know that happens in this real world.

That’s true Jazzi, some parents do sell their children if the price is right.

And someone even said it last night, that it could have been sold.

How far does Megan think she’ll get, if her car regn is given to the police? And her bank details?

Will she come back on Monday, saying, I did a very silly thing?

Or is this another storyline that will run and run?

So, is Katie really dead now, do you think?

I would say so as she’s terminated her contract

Oh, I didn’t know that Honey. That’s it for Katie then!

yep it is Mups, check out the latest news here

It’s been very busy in Emmerdale lately, they run out of storylines soon! I could give 'em a few!