Electric cars shock

JBR, your question earlier about diesel being dearer but providing more mpg than petrol, remember?
Well it seems you were right. Have a look at this I found:

" The reason is that diesel fuel contains more energy than the same volume of petrol. The difference can be quite large: It’s not unusual for a diesel engine to have an official average mpg figure of about 70mpg, compared with about 50mpg for an equivalent petrol model."

So there ya go. :smiley:

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There is a reason why diesels are used in trucks.

My car doesn’t get anything like those MPG figures , it averages 33mpg or just over 8 L/100km but I think that is pretty good for a 3 litre turbo diesel, my little 1.5 litre petrol Colt only managed about 44mpg.

Thanks for the reply Bruce.
Can you tell me the simplest way I can find out how many mpg my little Fiat does please?

I have a spreadsheet (of course) but basically you fill the tank and note the Odo reading then drive until it is time to fill again. Then you fill it up, note the amount of fuel you put in and the Odo reading.

After that it is just a question of maths.

For a start, I have never done a spreadsheet in me life!
And secondly, what is an ‘Odo’ ? :thinking:

An odometer, shows the km/miles the car has travelled on your dash, every car has one, Arthur Daley used to wind them back. You don’t need a spreadsheet just a piece of paper and a pencil.

You subtract the first odo reading from the second one giving you the distance you have travelled on the the fuel you had to add. Divide the distance by the amount of fuel used which will give you miles per litre then divide by 4.546 to get MPG. You are allowed to use a calculator and it would be more accurate the more times you do it.

With this sort of travel I would have thought it would be cheaper to use a taxi/Uber; when you consider rego, insurance, fuel, depreciation etc, owning a car makes no sense.

That of course depends on location.

That’s true, I am surprised anyone in England has a car because everywhere is within walking distance. :wink:

Bloody hell Bruce, you’re single handedly polluting the world…

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Think ahead.

On street parking is very common here in the UK.

Loads of old terrace housing, which means cables across the foot paths.

It also means the end of Off Peak Electricity, cars will be charged ad nights.

This has simply not been thought through.

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It has been ‘Thought through’ Swim, if you live in a terrace or flat (sorry apartment) you won’t be able to afford an electric vehicle anyway…

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Nor ours Swims we have a diesel

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That’s a bold prediction, you could well travel in an electric hearse.

Of course it is, London is only 200 miles away from here, might take a day or two but its a decent walk.

There you go, just down the road.

I’ve just reminded myself about why I sold my Skoda diesel several years ago (in part ex. for a new car). Since we both stopped working, I realised that diesels need to be driven regularly for a specific distance in order to avoid undue wear or damage to the engine. As we do much less driving now (on a regular basis) we decided it best to go for a petrol engine.

I might look up the details again before we replace this car (which has some annoying things we don’t like) and, as we’ll be buying a different type, it might still be worth considering a diesel…
even if we have to keep adding AdBlue!

I know this thread is about cars but this truck was on the news this morning and I thought it very interesting:

Aah, I know what you mean now, I just didn’t know what they were called!
Thanks for the explanation.

Add some Esso Blue.