Elderly people who exercise 'live five years longer'

Age UK is 50+ years old, so you’re good to go. :slight_smile:

Got Mine from Amazon Myra,it was just over £120 a few years ago,not a great big heavy one,and it can fold-up for ease of moving around…Mine’s white but They also had it in pretty pink ;~)…it has the usual speed/distance/time/cal’s burned.

That’s a reasonable price May. I’ll have to look around :smiley:

I just did a 5-6 mile shuffle on the roads. Will have to wait and see how my knee has taken it.

Shuffling’s good Mark, it’s all I do these days and it’s really rewarding…Hope the knee holds out.

I’m getting stronger: 5 miles on Thursday and 6 miles last night. Tired today but going out again later. Will be glad to see the back of the weight I’m currently carrying.

Managed to run with the club this evening …


Shot taken at Sker beach.

Eating some veggies and bread now. Not a drop of booze in sight.

Well done Mark and what a beautiful evening you had for running :slight_smile:

I cycle about 40 miles a week (providing it doesn’t rain) and walk about 10 miles a week. Both exercises being done at brisk pace. I prefer the bike to jogging because I don’t think jogging does the joints a lot of good in the long-term.

The bike riding throughout the week is done in two 11 mile rides on the flat (more or less) and one ride consisting of 15 or 20 miles, partly off-road and pedaling up the hills. I never take the car for short journeys if I can possibly leave it at home but bike or walk instead.

The rest of the time I eat what I want, drink a beer occasionally and relax. I have got a bit more of a middle than I once had but heck!, I’m knocking on a bit now and feel I ought to be allowed to spread out a little. :slight_smile:

Edit: I don’t know if anyone would be interested but around 10 years ago, I put a website together about our ‘older person’ cycling activities (link below). Unfortunately, the group has fallen by the wayside for one reason or another but my brother and I have kept the tradition going. I don’t know how much longer for though:


Well done on the exercise and I also like your website :-D.

As for me I think I’m losing weight pretty rapidly. I’m following a strict plant based diet without any dairy products and running 6 miles a day now. Last night I could see that my injured knee was very much improved. The only way my knee would improve so quickly is that the fat is falling off me. Will weigh at some time in the future but not yet. Quite excited about getting back in shape and being light on my feet once more.

Well done. Looks great :smiley:

Well done that man! :slight_smile: I reckon one of the best aspects of staying in fairly good shape is maybe not that it’s possible to run or ride these distances with an increasing amount of ease. For me anyway, it’s almost a by-product of keeping fit. It means more energy in reserve for everyday tasks. For instance, carrying things about or walking to the shops and back without it taking too long. More zest available for just about anything.

My better half is in a wheelchair and me staying fit definitely benefits both of us. I’m more able to handle the associated heaving about and other things, such as pushing or walking for miles. It all makes for an improved quality of life.

I’m hoping to take up cycling at some point, or rather, staying upright on my bike, but not on the roads. I don’t think I’d ever be brave enough to cycle in traffic.
First I plan on selling my current mountain bike, because it’s an awkward design and I shall look around for something lighter and more manoeverable.

Good idea. These days NOT cycling in traffic is probably also a damn good idea. I have cycling friends and they all have horror stories about being knocked over. Some, now, only cycling off-road, away from traffic.

I have a friend who quite often encounters ‘rogue’ hedges lol
I believe this usually happens when he’s returning from the pub.

Sounds good Rachel. If you’re like me, there are lots of cycle tracks not too far away. I’d be terrified in traffic too :shock:

Just use the same rules as when driving a car, hold your nerve and you’ll be OK. Always indicate and no sneaking up on the inside of traffic. Get a handlebar mirror too. An invaluable addition.

Hmmmm … sadly getting to somewhere I consider ‘safe’ would mean driving but Windsor Great Park isn’t too far from here. OH and I used to go there and cycle through the Deer Park and there is now a small ‘nature reserve’ park even nearer. Unsure if cycling is allowed …

Ah yes a mirror is a great idea … I can check my lippy as I go :smiley:

Seriously, I’m so useless that the mere thought of not having 2 hands on the handlebars fills me with dread

A definite advantage. :smiley: