Easy walks

I used to do a lot of hiking and backpacking, but thanks to my tired old legs and The Lockdown I hardly did anything last year, 2020
I tried going on short local walks to the park and around local streets, but didn’t think much of it

But now, like everyone else I expect, I’m getting a bit fed up and frustrated
By the time the weather improves and, hopefully, this current Lockdown has eased off a bit, I will have been largely indoors for the best part of a year.
So I’ll make a better effort to get out and about this year

I’ve been watching a fair amount of YouTube and have come across Richard Vobes
He does short, easy walks mostly around Worthing and The Downs, chatting and commenting as he goes along; just wearing ordinary clothes, no special hiking gear

I suppose they’re a sort of glass half full or half empty situation
You might find them boring and pathetic, or interesting and inspirational, as they show how you can enjoy walking in ordinary surroundings, and find points of interest

So i’ll dredge up some of my old hippy zen, and see what I can manage in my area

He seems to have a few channels. Search YT for -

Richard Vobes
Quest For England
The Bald Explorer

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I enjoy everything about walking.
Thanks for sharing.

You might like this -

There is a walk all the way around London.
Officially it’s called The London Outer Orbital Path, but usually just The London Loop - again, Search YT

I doubt if I’l ever do it, or the area used by Richard Vobes, but it shows how you can find odd paths, minor roads, and so on, and join them up to go walking almost anywhere

And as you might expect, once you start following the links & prompts on YT you’ll find all sorts of stuff

Thank you zuludog but I live in rural Canada. Most of my walks are off track following paths through the forest , hilly meadows or the lake shore. I get to see lots of wildlife and beautiful scenery.

Wow! Bratti - you live in a beautiful part of the world!

Thank you Silver Tabby. I really do and I’m very grateful for it.

Where are some of the places you like to walk?
Do you ever take pictures?
How far do you usually walk?
How often do you walk?
Do you walk alone, with a friend, or a dog?

I love walking - anywhere, in any weather.

This is me on a walk this morning with my daughter.:slight_smile:

Beautiful picture Carol. How lovely that you get along so well.That’s truly. fabulous.

Living in a heavily urbanised area there are plenty of easy walks, but no nice scenery. Concrete, bricks and tarmac as far as the eye can see - which isn’t very far on an urban street - don’t really lift the soul. I envy people with a bit of actual scenery near them!

Thank you for the link suggestions, Zuludog. I can feel your frustration. When the lockdown was at its most stringent, we weren’t allowed to go anywhere. Even the beaches were closed. It was tough coming up with alternatives. I love to travel vicariously, so I appreciate the links for that reason too. You are spot on about the advantages of finding the lesser traveled trails. I make a point of going somewhere new when I am feeling lazy or sore. All that exploration dramas my attention from my “suffering”. :lol:

Carol and Bratti, your photos are so nice to see. There just anything like being out there! Carol, you have my respect, I seem to get more finicky about the running conditions the older I get.

You have to be careful walking anywhere at the moment, there are more than a few morons about, who would still be such regardless of a pandemic.
On one of my Dog Walks, I have to descend a set of brick steps, you cannot see who is preparing to ascend the steps until you get to that last set of five. Pre the pandemic, other dog walkers showed sense here, returning to the bottom of the flight to save dogs passing nose to nose, but, post pandemic, folks who aren’t Dog Walkers) tend to do this to avoid close contact.
A couple of days ago, Maisie was off the lead so, I told her to stay whilst I checked the flight of steps for folks coming up, It was clear so I called her to follow me down the flights, when I got to the last flight where I could see round the corner, two young Ladies with three dogs (on leads) were approaching the flight of steps, so, out of respect, I stopped, turned round, called Maisie to heel, and put her lead on with the expectation the Ladies would stand to the side at the bottom, and allow me space to pass, none of it, when I faced their direction again, they were near the top of the flight, here is a photo of that flight with Maisie, when I first spotted the Ladies, they were where the guy in red is, they had every opportunity to move over to their right which is what everyone else does.


All hell let loose with the dogs and, I had to stand shoulder to shoulder for 20 seconds or so, whilst they dragged the dogs past.
What is wrong with some folks, have they had a common sense amputation?

I walk about 6km each morning except if it is raining (as it was this morning) if it clears up later I will go.

I occasionally take my son’s dog with me (half a dozen times a year) but never have any problems, dogs are required to be kept on a lead at all times so they are under control.

Two years ago I was countryside walking almost everyday, 2-3 miles locally 4 times a week, 5-6 miles less locally every Sunday, 6-8 miles remotely on Saturdays once a month and 6-8 miles remotely on high-days and bank holidays, adding up to 15 miles a week in winter and 25 miles a week in summer.

I didn’t do it just for the exercise - I used it to improve my map-reading and map-creating skills and took over 25,000 photographs in the process.

I also visited 247 pubs/cafes for refreshment (marked on my maps) … :wink:

Sadly, my legs are no longer up to those distances but, like you, I find (lockdown) streets and parks uninviting. Hopefully, I’ll be up to short (post lockdown) countryside walks again by summer.


Lots of walkers here. Some of you, serious walkers who put in quite the miles.
Some people can be very inconsiderate spitfire. Those ladies certainly seemed to be. Clearly certain areas need some common sense while walking with others and it seems not everyone has it or they just don’t care.
I tend to forget that most places I walk alone or with my husband are spacious enough that we don’t run into that problem, plus whenever we do meet people, they are considerate and share the pathway.
Thanks Surfermom. Hey your name automatically came up on my phone. Lol
Have fun ladies and gents and stay safe.

Do any of you have a walking style? The reason I ask is that, although Mr P and I enjoy walking, we do our own separate walks. I amble along, enjoying the view, taking photos, pausing to look at things which catch my eye, and Mr P…well, he gallops along at an incredible pace - almost competitive, barely stopping for a break. Its about covering the mileage, achieving the inclines…whereas with me its whole atmosphere of the day. Just a thought.

With Mr P on this one Pixie, Pre pandemic, didn’t mind just cruising past dawdlers, now, I have to hold back or take alternate routes, my problem, no one else’s.

Oh Spitty, Mr P is the same! he loves passing people by - many of whom are much younger than him…it gives him a wee ego boost to scoot by all these younger folk! And yes, even now he is confined to closer to home, he gets frustrated with slower people or people not being distant.

The biggest impact on me Pix of the pandemic is, I no longer have the Country Park to myself, and being forced to be sort of sociable with folks who can’t be arsed to be sociable anyway.:lol:

Yes Pixie, the need to breeze past folks has its roots in a psychological condition:lol::lol: