Earth to OFF - are you alive?

Thanks Roj

@OldGreyFox read up

Well done Roj another mystery solved… :icon_cool:

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Thanks Roj, I’ll give it a try…





underneath the text

Sorry have I just replied to myself ???
or to OGF ?


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Another go Roj…


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Now Im confused

:stuck_out_tongue: :laughing:

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Not half as confused as I am Roj…


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So it goes like this


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Not with me it doesn’t …

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Test :009:

:009: :026: :042: :077: :047:

Ah it dos’nt see to work on the custom emojis

Then, it’s all Roj’s fault

test :grinning:

Try the first set under the star

Or even like this in some cases!

:open_mouth: :flushed:



Nope it works for custom as well. User error there Roj

I’ll have a go with the list ones Roj…

:mini: :tired_face:

Oh my gosh, these last few posts are hilarious! Its probably very easy to reply to yourself - I’m surprised I haven’t done it yet!

But yes, the emojis are bigger if you put them underneath the text.

And I want some of the old ones - seeing them there makes me miss them! I miss my pompoms! Having said that, I do like how you can choose skin colour of the emjoi…thats cool!

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It works Roj, if you take them off the list and not off your custom ones…

:grin: :laughing: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Whoa! cracked it…

:041: :041: :041:

Anyone got the number for IT support ???

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