Earth to OFF - are you alive?

It looks good, fresh and new and I’m eager to get the hang of all the new bells and bugles, all it’s short of doing is making you a cup of tea while your here. :smiley:

It will take me a while but it’ll be worth it I’m sure.
Old dogs and new tricks as they say.

I see I’’ve got some lovely new badges and a new avatar. :smiley:

All your hard work is much appreciated Azz, many thanks. :smiley:

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Welcome Jem, It’s new for all of us !!!
Baby steps…


I see you made out alive Roj :hugs:

Yep looks like a few others manged to get out as well ,Reminds me of the Great Escape …


Am I here ?


Hi Susan :grinning: yes you are very much here, well done!

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Xx thank you

Hi Susan! Great to see you here! :smiley:

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Hello Guys… :running_man:
Foxy here…Taps screen… :fox_face:
Anybody there?.. :pray:

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Blimey Meg that photo looks great, and the pies look even better… :grinning:

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You sly old grey fox you!!!

Let the party begin!!!
Foxy is in the house


Whoa! Minxy, it’s so good to see you…This is some forum now don’t you think…

It’s got the things I need the most so I guess so sly old grey fox

How did you manage to get that super size emoji Minx…?

I just selected an emoji from the drop down menu sly old grey fox :kissing_smiling_eyes:

This one seems a lot bigger than the ones in the drop down menu Minx… :icon_confused:

Then I haven’t the foggiest idea foxy, so sorry

Everyone’s pic looks the same to me? :+1:

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test :grinning:

Ah I think I’ve sussed it out
If the emoji is next to the text it stays the same size :grinning:
But if its below the text like below its bigger
