Earth to OFF - are you alive?

Hi Bathsheba

Sorry I missed your mention!

I’m still getting the hang of this :hugs:

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I’ve managed to change. Wouldn’t accept my old password as to short.

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is the bar open, think a few whikey’s might help

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I had a G&T earlier

Mine’s a G&T if you’re buying @macywack :grin:

I have made you all some goats cheese and red onion tarts to keep you going while we get used to posting :grinning:


That looks so yummy Meg

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Thank you Minx :grinning: enjoy…

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Help soak up the alcohol…Well thought through that, Meg. :innocent:


Oh my word @Meg they look fabulous! :smiley:


Now, might not be the time for Millionaires Shortbread?
millionarires shortcake

I have tested it…scrummie yummie…even

just noticed when you hoover over the photo.gif or picture to the right preview page, it says 50%, 75% 100%, so you can in fact resize direct…now that is a result after flapping about earlier with a giphy I posted that was too large to be handled by the forum…It is really showing what a brillant programme this is…or is it called a program app… :innocent:


Ooh @Meg and me just had my dinner.
Do you mind if I save one (okay maybe a few) for later because they do look tasty.

Ohmyword … then @DianneWoollie pops up with afters too!
That’s my attempt at watching my weight gone right out the window!


I like the look of them Meg, bet they’re delicious

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@DianneWoollie that looks scrumptious Di

Yup only a blip again…just about 5 kilos to go… :innocent:

Thank you they are Delia’s recipe…

My first attempt, it is too rich, after the 2nd helping… :zipper_mouth_face:

Ah, but I’m sure we’ve all tried recipes which just don’t seem to meet the expectations.
Your tarts however really do look rather good.

Ah, but that describes a real Millionaire’s to perfection.

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