Earth to OFF - are you alive?

How are you finding it Baz?

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Made a mess of logging in, now sorted.

I like the new layout, much easier to read.


It looks different!

I can’t see the earth!

Is it down there somewhere?



There’s so much to find out about. One thing that does flummox me is that I logged in, somehow or other, but how do we log out and then log in again next time? Unlike the old OFF there doesn’t seem to be anything anywhere to do that? :thinking:

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Wonderful stuff Swimmy! That’s great !

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Hi TedC

Yes, it’s definitely still here!

Nice to ‘see’ you

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That’s a valid question Baz :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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@Baz46 You go to to your profile at the top right then click on the wee person icon. It gives options to log out on that :smiley:

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Hi everybody, I am feeling quite pleased as I managed to post this without any help…but that doesn’t mean I won’t need your help another time!

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@Twink55 Its so brand new for us all, haha! I think we will all need help at some point or another! :smiley:

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@Pixie_Knuckles I sent you a test email ( aka Private Message) to see if it is working


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@Minx got it and replied! :smiley:


Thanks Pixie Knuckles, found it OK now. Easy when you know how isn’t it! :grinning:


Pixie Knuckles sorted it for me Minx, see post below your’s. :grinning:

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I think we are all doing really well, considering its brand new for us all! :smiley:


Much better than I thought you would too Pixie! :003:

You’re all doing incredibly well :023:

@Twink55 join the club Twink :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:
I think I need a ‘minder’ and a quide dog…

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Now that I’m in, for awhile there I was flummoxed until I discovered that I had to log in, then discovered that it’s such a long time since I had to do it I’d forgotten the password so had to reset it…
Think I’ll go and have a lie down now in a darkened room. :grinning:

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Nice to see the familiar :mrgreen:

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You did well Barry:-)

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