Earth to OFF - are you alive?

Love it Percy! Check out the cool emoji’s

:skull_and_crossbones: :hear_no_evil: :heart_eyes_cat:

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I find it all a bit strange.

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You’ll get used to it Scot :point_up_2:

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@scot37 It is very strange isn’t it, but we will get used to it…look at how many of us are already here! :smiley:

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Hi Baz

:partying_face: you made it!

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I was also in mid post and then kapoof :bomb:

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Probably a good idea to bookmark this page if you are here, you may never find it again. A Google search just brings up the old forum.

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Wonderful Kazz :innocent:

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@Longdogs It will disappear eventually I think once this gets up and running for a few days. The Bots need to do their business :open_mouth:

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You’ll be fine LongDriver - baby steps :hugs:

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Hi Minx, yes made it but still finding out how it all works. Probably like many of us but it’s new and will take time. :thinking: :grinning:


Okey dokey Pixie wixie. :star_struck:

I have no idea what emojis I am clicking on :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: :joy: :upside_down_face: :kissing_smiling_eyes:

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Check out the cool ‘do not disturb’ feature on your profile :shushing_face:

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Looking around, doing some twiddling, trying to find where things are, perhaps if I knew where I was it would help. :icon_confused:


There are certainly a lot of emojis to choose from :grinning: :sunglasses:


If you google ‘’ you’ll get this one, not the old site. At the moment, a generic ‘over 50s chat’ Google search doesn’t cut it unfortunately.

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Thanks Sheba. I might have been too quick to search for it. @Bathsheba

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I have a profile? :scream:

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It was carried over - you may need to clean it up

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Only if you squint in the mirror the right way! :smiley:

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