Earth to OFF - are you alive?

It works for custom as well Sly old grey fox





Oh thats great
So that will be

£3280.00 for IT support :042:

They offline as usual


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Not on my screen it doesn’t Minx…



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I hope that billing is for sly old grey fox or you’ll bankrupt me


Just do a reboot that normally works. :grin:

And still no pompoms for Pixie


In rupees

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But I can see a big icon on this end for this post sly old grey fox

What’s with the big icons anyway? Over compensating?


In that case, billing paid in full and then some

Well we all seem to be getting used to the new site .
So it was’nt all than painful in the end .

I like the green online dot our avatars

Thought that was shoe size ???

And imagine how much more fun it’s going to be when there’s 100 R’s in a thread


But by then I suppose we will have got used to the new system.
This now seems to be more up to date and I would image more upgradable,much easy to add vids,images etc.

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Looks around :confounded: Looks good. terrific job Azzzz. Now it looks like a 2021 forum! :heart: :heart:


Hi Danny,



Thanks, nice digs. :relaxed:

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It’s all Azz , awesome job @Danny
I think it’s nice enough. So much easier to post music, vids, gifs
All the music threads are ‘locked’ but once you post, Admin will ‘unlock’
So feel free to share


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