Dubbed the 'Battle of Brexit'

That he used to be proud of the fact that his initials NF were the same as those of the racist National Front.


At £40 a bottle


If it takes someone to be a mass murdering dictator for you to consider them vile you clearly have lower standards than I do DKM!

People like Farage have no place in the future of humanity - just the destruction of it. It’s people like him that give people like Hitler the confidence/support that they need to carry out great atrocities.

Pyramid of Hate

The Pyramid shows biased behaviors, growing in complexity from the bottom to the top. Although the behaviors at each level negatively impact individuals and groups, as one moves up the pyramid, the behaviors have more life-threatening consequences. Like a pyramid, the upper levels are supported by the lower levels. If people or institutions treat behaviors on the lower levels as being acceptable or “normal,” it results in the behaviors at the next level becoming more accepted. In response to the questions of the world community about where the hate of genocide comes from, the Pyramid of Hate demonstrates that the hate of genocide is built upon the acceptance of behaviors described in the lower levels of the pyramid.

As a species we should know better. Anyone with even an ounce of intellect should know better. Farage and others like him should know better. He and others who seek to divide, rather than unite humanity are a scourge on this planet - the sooner we are rid of them the better.

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@Maree seems Boris Johnson has tried this.

Brexit the gin is a Limited Edition Sour Grape flavour Gin Liqueur, that embodies the true taste of Brexit, presented in a classic British Milk Bottle this encompasses the essence of Great Britain!

A sweet and slightly tangy Grape Flavoured Gin Liqueur which mixes perfectly with Lemonade or any Tonics, this is the perfect gift for any Brexiteer, or even a remainer with a sense of humour!

Snap! I was just thinking the exact same thing!

I guessed there was some reason behind the attention-seeking Tweet and TikTok video he posted with the “Boxing Boris” challenge and guessed it would be revealed soon.
Then I saw that Farage had launched his new range of so-called “Patriotic Gin” and was advertising on his own Twitter account just after the “Boris Challenge”
‘S’obvious what he’s after, innit?! :rofl:

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@Cinderella ,. I love the sour grapes bit cinders, where do you get this from ??
It should be a big hit with the remainers !! :+1::grin::grin::+1:

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@Azz , And how do you propose to get rid of him l ask ?
Assassination, gas oven, car accident ??
You are beginning to sound like one of the despots you say you despise ?
“” rid the planet of scum like this" !! l ask you ?? :roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

@Donkeyman Sold out on the site linked. Reduced it seems to sell.

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I rather think the modelling of society on this Pyramid of Hate is worth a whole thread of its own.

Rather ironically … anyone who feels strongly and impassioned enough to hate anyone or anything could qualify for the base level … Biased Attitudes … and become the zealot, the perpetrator or igniting spark of a social, political or religious movement.

The snag is deciding who or what is good or evil.
There is nothing more dangerous than a man or woman with conviction… and I don’t mean the criminal kind.


That pyramid has at least one more layer, a bit like an iceberg. And we’re all on one of those somewhere.

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It’s true we are … and the more ‘everyone’ has their own rights it can risk been at the expense of curtailing someone else’s rights.

We’re just plain flawed, we humans.



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Does Nige drink gin I wonder?



We are all flawed, at times very flawed people.

The trick is to recognise your own flaws and try to rectify them.

It up to us, as individuals to change the world.

The first step is to realise that you can.

A lot of little voices can become an unstoppable event.

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It is impossible to change the world because people think differently… yet they all think they are right!
I think the world is heading towards communism, where everybody is equal, but the leaders are considerably more equal than others! :rofl:
Why did the USA, and now the EU, want to become such big countries ruled by one government? Could it be because the leaders would eventually become the most equal leaders, so be party to the best deals?
The only way the world will change is if a war occurs between the" haves" and the “have nots” and it will be so violent that many lives will be lost & reduce the world population to level that may survive!


Well according to his puke inducing cringeworthy promotional vid :nauseated_face:he likes it for drinking at home and summer evenings

But he’s probably lying, he usually is :rage:

What a repulsive snake oil salesman he really is. How can anyone watch him and not

a) feel an uncontrollable desire to chuck something at him?

b) want to vomit?

c) see right through him?

Completely obvious to anyone with a lick of sense

Any attention is pure gold to publicity whores like him

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2021 Farage for just £63.75 the former UKIP leader says he will record you a "message for Mother’s Day, a birthday, a wedding, to surprise somebody… :face_vomiting:


He might.

Animal Farm &1984.

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