90% of the junk mail I receive is from Real Estate agents.
It all goes straight into the bin.
How to stop this proliferation of waste?
Junk mail in Australia alone uses 240,000 tonnes of paper ever year.
The water needed to produce this amount of paper will fill 8,000 Olympic size swimming pools.
Sure, one might say, display a “No Junk Mail” sign. This does not work because the majority of people do not do that.
I think I will write to the environment minister to express my views.
I remember years ago there was a conversation about reducing packaging of all sorts. That went nowhere. Since then I estimate packaging has quadrupled, especially the hard plastic uses in supermarkets, for delicate cakes and the like.
Seems we are not really serious about stopping the degradation of the environment. Plus we come up against complacent governments who dither, saying to implement such practices would cost too much, take too long, and they would have to go up against some very powerful lobbyists.
Saddens me that corporations have so much power over us all.
Can’t remember when I last saw a postman which means no junk mail either. The vast majority of communication is by Email these days or by phone if it’s friends or family.
I live in a block of 10 units. Also on the site are two other blocks of 10 units.
There is so much junk mail delivered. A lot of it ends up blowing down the street. Almost all of it immediately ends up in the bin.
I get very little actual mail…apart from bank statements and letters from the DWP but the occasional junk letter still arrives.
But I have loads of junk mail online…all those parcels waiting for delivery!
I actually get very little junk mail from Royal Mail, most of the junk comes from people that are employed to put advertising flyers through doors. usually local businesses , pizza and kebab joints etc, it goes directly in to the recycling, end of!
Mostly it is ads for Medicare Health insurance. Also, once you give support to any organization, they bombard you with more literature, and of course include a quick form to donate again in amounts of $25-$400. This is for USO (my favorite), St. Jude’s Childrens Hospital, Shriners, Easter Seals, etc.
The one that only sends a request once a year is Heifer International. They don’t waste funding on the mailings. This is a wonderful organization!