Do you use rooting hormone?

Do you use it?

They say to buy fresh every year, but I have just found out another, more natural method which I’m going to try - Honey.

Did anyone else know about this - I didn’t until tonight.
Only keep it for 2 weeks though, then get a fresh batch.

Hi ya Mups.

I have literally just bought my first pot of rooting hormone powder ever. I have intentions of getting into growing from cuttings. I didn’t know you should replace every year though.

I have never heard of using honey.

I have used rooting powder but never had much luck with taking cuttings. I think maybe I would have done better had I had a greenhouse.

Mups :slight_smile: I will give honey a try sometime.

I use rooting powder, the gel is rubbish.
I’ll try honey but it may attract buzzing things!

I wouldn’[t have thought so Tess, because the honey bit will be underground won’t it.

I’m going to experiment and try some cuttings both ways, some hormone powder and some honey, see which does best.

Used rooting powder many times and had no luck at all, never tried honey but I will give it a go in the future.

Thank you for the tip Mups, will try it this weekend.

Odd, just come in from the greenhouse where I have just repotted a jade plant…(moneytree) I took two cuttings and dipped them in rooting powder in order to stop any disease, going to let them dry For a week before planting on. I have never heard of using honey, so googled it…
I might give it a whirl

Oi, that’s the link I already posted in the beginning.
What yer doing man? :smiley:

Oops…sorry Mups…but I am going to give it a whirl

Yes, me too, Rehab.
I think I will try both ways and see which does best.
Be interesting experiment if nothing else.

How’s your dahlia’s doing?

Very slow so far Mups, I have put two varieties out at the moment…but I reckon I am at least 3 weeks behind.

I think we all are Rehab, hasn’t it been an awful spring.
I haven’t dared do too much, and don’t know if I will catch up or not now, there is so much to do.

I have never used it myself,where can you buy it?..i woukd like to give it a try,do the cuttings go into specimen pots or tubes filled qith water,what a great way to save money,.

What . . . honey? Or rooting hormone? :confused:

Take a cutting with a sharp knife, dip the cut end into hormone rooting powder, shake off any excess then place it into a small pot, I tend to use a 50/50 mix of compost and perlite
You can buy rooting powder nearly everywhere I use Wilkos they have a great selection of gardening stuff and it’s a lot cheaper

How would honey work?..i may give it a go,lol.

Thank you Rehab.

I am doing both methods on two dahlia cuttings, honey on one, rooting powder on another I will let you know how it goes.