Do You Think Vitamins Are A Scam?

Hi all :slight_smile:

I ‘Googled’ and read many thoughts on it, but there was just too many conflicting remarks. I figure that you folks here can provide more accurate info. I take a multivitamin + high potency B daily and it seems to give me a little energy and a sense of wellbeing, but maybe it’s all in my head. Maybe the desire for them to help keep me healthy is so strong that the sense of wellbeing and energy is false. I’m just wondering what you all personally think about them. Do you feel that they are beneficial for good health or a rip off?

It’s a multi million pound industry and I believe a lot of it’s just hype. Playing on vulnerable people.

However I do believe in B vitamins they’re good for the nerves and I cured myself of a twitching eye by taking them. I take vitamin D as prescribed by doctor but anything else I steer clear of.

They want your money!!

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Someone l know takes a handful of various vitamin and mineral tablets every day and then just eats pasties, pies, pork pies. No vegetables.

Today, l had my quarterly vitamin B12 injection. I take Vitamin D but l don’t take any other vitamins as l eat lots of vegetables daily.

I do take Metatone tonic now and again if l feel l need a boost!

Many people do think vitamins are a scam and that you can overdose on them

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Which B vitamins did you take for this @carol? Because my daughter has suffered from random nerve twitches for years and it drives her nuts. They’re barely visible to anyone else, but of course she feels them and they can be very distracting when trying to focus on something.

I started taking vitamin D 18 months ago or so, when I read that it had been noticed people in hospital with Covid were Vit D deficient. It’s become a habit now, and I continue to take one daily.

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I think there’s not enough science on it yet. Until there’s a way of knowing exactly which vitamins you need and in what quantity, it’s a bit of a scattershot. Multivitamins are mostly being wasted. On the other hand, until more is known, some of the vitamins could be helping, so I think the motto has been, better safe than sorry.

So yes, they’re a waste of money in a lot of ways. But it’s difficult to know if there isn’t a part that’s helping at this point in time.

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I can only share my own experience with vitamins.

My mom was a nurse, and she advised me to take one multi vitamin a day, explained it to say whatever your meals don’t provide, the vitamin helps. I do eat my veggies, two colors on my plate each day.
I have taken one multi vitamin a day for the last 52 years. I have a cold once in five years, hardly ever ill for years, only missed 5 days of work in 40 years due to illness. I am in very good health, and hope it continues. I attribute some of my good fortune to that multi vitamin.

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Only a blood test taken after a 14 day period without any supplements will show if any supplements are needed. To simply take supplements because it seems the right thing to do, could be doing more harm to your body than good.
If you eat a well balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables alongside your meat, I doubt if you need any supplements unless your doc has advised to to take specific supplements.


My problem is I have a few bottles sitting in the kitchen and I start off being really good and take each daily then after a month or so I give up .

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I found this documentary very balanced. Video quality not the best. I watched this on Netflix.

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RightNow, The only multi vitamin tablet l took were from the baby clinic for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers.
They were pence and l was still buying them until l was in my fifties. No one ever said a word!!
In that time, l was rarely ill and l never got a cold or flu.

It does make me wonder though…l don’t take any multivitamin tablet now other than those that l mention in my previous post and l still don’t get colds and flu.
Perhaps, it’s all to do with how good your natural immune system is?



I take Vitamin D, as advised.

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Vitamin D, as advised.

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When I first started taking vitamins and told my doctor about it, he said “Why do you take them?” I just explained that vitamins might help balance my nutrition because I have a habit of eating a lot of junk food that provides very little nutrition. He never said anymore after that.

You weren’t curious about your doctor’s opinion about vitamins, but you’re interested in what a bunch of strangers on the internet think about them.

:woman_shrugging:t5: :man_shrugging:t5:

I do that too!

At a few different times in my life, I’ve decided I maybe need a vitamin boost and buy a multi-vitamin. I start off with good intentions, taking them every day, then after a couple of weeks, I start forgetting to take them and only take them every few days when I remember until the bottle eventually sits on the shelf, all forgotten, until I find it months later, after it’s worked its way to the back of the shelf.

I did the same with Vitamin D. I bought some last year after reading that it may help to fight Covid and I did start taking one a day at first, then kept forgetting about them - reading this thread has just reminded me that I haven’t been taking them for months and months - I must still have that bottle of Vit D tablets somewhere - I completely forgot about them!

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He asked me why and I told him. He chose not to comment any further. Also, strangers online can still have an opinion on the subject.

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I took Brewers yeast.

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I don’t take anything…I sometimes wonder if I should. I thought about vitamin D during all the hype it got in covid but I decided not to. I might look into it again.

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I think that if you are advised by a medical professional it is usually best to follow the advice.

Far more dangerous are the organic fad influencers and those who follow them.

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Thanks Carol, I’ll suggest this to her.