Do You Take People

At face value?

I believe we did when I was growing up.

I give you the benefit of the doubt.

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I still take people at face value - like at first sight.

There’s always a bad apple in there somewhere, but it usually takes a while to earn negative reviews.

(Need coffee, depending on too many maxims this early). :grinning:

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I agree with you.

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I must say I still take people at face value…always have done.

I am gullible in that area though…and have been taken for a ride.

Yes I take people at face value. If they are acting they can’t keep it up for ever and any facade will break down.
Perhaps I’m too trusting of people but I like to give them the benefit of the doubt :slightly_smiling_face:

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Within minutes of meeting someone I know whether we will get on or not. My husband and friends pull my leg about it but I know whether I can trust someone or whether they are full of bull.

A close friend nearly fell out with me once because a new couple moved in close by and she took to them immediately. I was more cautious and when she asked me what I thought of them I told her something wasn’t right about them so I would keep my distance. She wasn’t best pleased but about 18 months later I was proved right as they did a moonlight flit and took with them all the takings of a local social club plus people all over the village had loaned them money, including my friend!

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No I don’t.
Take people at face value that is.

I have to agree - I’m like this. I get a sense of how someone is and then either continue, or distance myself from them. I’m not really a long term people person anyway, so it doesn’t really matter. :woman_shrugging:

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It’s funny you should say that flower, I told my family member the same thing about one of his neighbours…I told him he was to nice and familiar.

There was just something about him that I picked up on …turns out he had a history of shop lifting…plus other stuff.

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image :wink: :slight_smile:


Ha, I’m not getting caught with that again :clown_face:


I was gullible, I clicked on it,:rofl::joy: and I clicked again,:rofl:

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I’ve fixed it, have another go see if it works now :joy:

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You’ve lost your face value from me now, :rofl:…

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Did my face ever have any value :clown_face:

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I now see you’re fishing :fishing_pole_and_fish: for a compliment, :rofl::heartpulse:

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That’s codswallop :joy:

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Now you’re on the defensive, :rofl::open_mouth::joy:

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I’m the same. Sometimes I am wrong though. But generally I am really suspicious if someone is too friendly and too familiar too soon. People who are guarded might just be shy. But those too familiar often want something from you.