Ooh - this is just perfect!
Thank Annie!
Apparently the best place on the planet to live. You can wake up and pick an avocado or mango from a tree in your garden for brekky and listen to the tropical birds
I’m going to the gym tomorrow for the first time since before our crash and covid, but, as I’m still quite weak and not 100% I am only going for a 10 minute swim to try build my strength up. I am looking forward to being able to go back in the gym itself but not for a good while yet.
I love the feel good factor when I have had a gym finished off with a swim but for now a swim will do.
Thank you.
Your weight lifting stuff looks quite fine though
A nice and clean environment too.
We’ve had three people come stay with us all the way from Ontario since we’ve been here
and it was a pleasure hosting them.
Thank you Bratti
I used to have more than a bench in my previous house but lack the space in the condo I have been living in four five years now. Apart from weights I’m using resistance bands.
In the gym (see one of the rooms) I used to run on the treadmill, used a rowing machine, cross trainer, and the usual machines most gyms have. I miss the variety of machines with which you can train every muscle and the ergonomic adjustment of the machines.
Fantastic gym there, Dachs…I’m familiar with that leg one, we have a leg press here in my gym.
That’s impressive! I need to get one of those arm machines but I’ll have to save for it first!

I haven’t been since before the pandemic and don’t think I’ll be going anytime soon. I have a workshop in the garden that I might put a squat rack in tho
What about you? Have you gone back to the gym? Will you?
I have never been but I walk past two every day on my walk (three if you count the female only gym). Does that count?
Just as the Americans call their toilets the John, I’ve taken to calling mine Jim, so that I can truthfully say that I go to the gym every day.

That’s impressive! I need to get one of those arm machines but I’ll have to save for it first!
Which arm machines do you mean? The one in the front is one of several thigh machines like leg press and abductor machines. The long lever arm is for moving the knee pads in a comfortable position when entering the machine.
Azz, the Nicoya Peninsula in CR that is a blue zone is an area in which I spent a lot of time. They say that people who live a long time there do so because of a genetics, diet, weather, and lifestyle. If that is a factor for moving there, then changing to a low calorie diet heavy on gallo pinto (beans and rice), yucca, and seafood (I’m a vegetarian so that’s a no-go) and changing one’s mindset from exercising to stay fit to staying fit because of the way one is living.
If you want to start a new thread, perhaps in travel, I would be happy to join the discussion!
Apologies for butchering that last post, btw. I am ever moving at the speed of light and making a mess of it as I go…

This one!
That’s exactly the one I had in my previous home. Liked it. Doesn’t take up much space and offers a lot of different exercises.

That’s exactly the one I had in my previous home. Liked it. Doesn’t take up much space and offers a lot of different exercises.
Definitely on my wish list Dachs
Never ever been to a gym, all my energy is spent avoiding Sue and the frying pan. Joking apart working for BT doing installations one was always bending down to fix cables or equipment or climbing ladders. That kept one fit
Now to just bend down and fix those pesky tripods eh?
Don’t you have to go though a health check first before joining any gym? I thought that was mandatory
Its probably best if you do have a check up with your doctor…but given the current state of things, how likely is that?! Docs can’t even see you if you are ill…a check up would be like winning the lottery!