I haven’t been since before the pandemic and don’t think I’ll be going anytime soon. I have a workshop in the garden that I might put a squat rack in tho
What about you? Have you gone back to the gym? Will you?
I haven’t been since before the pandemic and don’t think I’ll be going anytime soon. I have a workshop in the garden that I might put a squat rack in tho
What about you? Have you gone back to the gym? Will you?
No ,not yet .I haven’t been in one for nearly 60 years but I’m still thinking about it.
Do you do any other form of exercise? I hope so John!
Maybe a bit of or
Yes,I favour incidental exercise.I have banged on about it somewhere else here
Dog walking,walking to the shops,using the stairs,that sort of thing.
Noppity, nope, nope, nope, Azz. I’ve reluctantly visited gyms on cruise ships or when visiting a place where running or surfing isn’t possible (think big city after dark), and I don’t miss them now that so many are still closed or restricted. Among the few improvements that will come out of this pandemic is that gyms are going to be a lot more clean. I think an outdoor or workshop gym is a great idea!
Swimming was the only reason I used to belong to a health club , but both (big name) local health clubs just let standards slip so it felt like going for a dip was more of a health hazard than a health gain. The local authority pool was far cleaner but too busy to bother with. Trying to do lengths in a crowded and poorly supervised pool is dangerous. So many big name private gyms are slashing membership fees but also cutting costs for cleaning and maintenance. The last one had broken locker doors, showers that didn’t work, loose boards on the seats, loo seats missing. It was appalling for a such a big brand to neglect things so much. I’m not sure whether these places are franchises.
It’s far more cost effective to just buy your own exercise equipment if you have the room. Plus in a gym you have to have a mind on time as you share with so many others. These days you can buy folding equipment so you can workout even if you don’t have a big place.
No, because they’ve all been closed for almost a year now. Miss them dearly.
Have you had any strict lock downs and curfews like us ,Dachs?
As I haven’t been venturing outside much during the past year or more, I have resigned myself to walking 2,000 steps around the garden everyday …. not sure how far that would be.
The only gym I have been in is a school gym
No gym going here all that sweating and grimacing is too much for me
I was about to start Tai Chi and ‘Yoga for beginners’ when C19 struck , a more dignified form of excercise
So I bought a mat and taught myself some gentle Yoga positions which I perform during the 10’oclock news to make sure I do it daily.
I still want to go to classes but don’t feel it is safe yet unless they are outside.
Housework/gardening/walking a good forms of safe excercise for old bones like mine
I go occasionally to the new one here, just to work out on the treadmill, I prefer it ,rather than jog the streets.
Will be joining the 24/7 one soon I hope…I miss the social side of it, we used to have such a laugh…
I have machines at home that keep me toned…I can’t stand “ love handles”.
I have never ventured into a Gym…I really prefer going out for walks, or exercising at home. I live close to stairs and hilly streets, so make a point of going up and down them several times a week. I like being outside rather than inside when exercising, so a gym wouldn’t be fun for me I don’t think
No, we haven’t had any curfews like they had in Italy where people couldn’t leave their home and were entertaining themselves and their vicinity by singing on the balcony. As an individual we could always leave our home for doing sport, going for walks, looking after relatives, supermarket shopping, doctor’s appointments, etc. The most drastic measure was that in some areas you had to stay within a 12-mile radius for a period of time. So, strictly speaking, we never had a lockdown but a partial shutdown mainly affecting personal contacts, and the whole culture/sports/education sector, entertainment, and the hospitality industry.
I belonged to a great gym that was close to us but we moved and before we leave left our last house I sold my huge weight lifting centre and didn’t replace it.
Joining a gym again isn’t something I’m currently interested in since I have a pilates reformer unit and other suitable exercise equipment and prefer to exercise outside.
I’ve got a bike to ride, cross country skis, skates, a kayak and we are right by the ocean for swimming and walking on the beach. It’s also very hilly so everyday walking is a challenge at times.
I’d prefer to usually exercise alone so won’t be returning to the gym. Besides I dislike crowds of people so this is much better, for me.
Way to go.
Thanks Dachs.Hopefully your gym will be open soon.
I was in Rome years ago and they were singing from their balconies then
Walking is one of the best forms of exercise imo - I love going for hikes around here (tho only in the summer as I hate the cold )
Ah nice!! I have been toying with the idea of moving to Costa Rica and some parts of it are very much in vogue with surfers.
But all the spiders, huge hornets and general creepy crawlies worry me
That made me chuckle Annie!!! When I used to go to my local leisure centre (mainly for gym and sauna) on a few occasions they had to evacuate the pool - where someone (usually young children) had had an ‘accident’ () in the pool - and the staff said they just fish it out and then add a bit more bleach
What kind of stuff did you do in the gym Dachs? Is there anything you buy and do at home perhaps? (Like a weights bench?)
2,000 steps sounds good Mags! You’ll have to buy a treadmill for when it rains Or two, then you can Mr Mags can have a race
Oooo I want to try Tai Chi and Yoga too Meg!!
Maybe you could post a thread about it and let us know how you’re getting on - photos of you in action would brighten up everyone’s day too I’m sure
I do too we all used to go for a sauna afterwards and it used to be a brilliant laugh. Hope you manage to join the one you want to soon
Hill walking is REALLY good for you Pixie!! It’s one of the things l love about the all by my house, the first 20 minutes is pretty gruelling and then it’s much easier/flatter. But it feels like that 20 minutes makes up for not going to the gym!
That sounds like nature’s gym right there Bratti! I’d love to live near a beach… tho maybe not a busy/commercial one
My son and I used to go to gym. But following Covid-19, we invested in a home gym. I doubt we’ll go back to gym in the near future. I really miss the spinning classes and the sauna though. It was such bliss.
Nice one Minx! Have you got links of the home gym you got? (or pics )