I remember my father had a big black beetle as i called it (i was aged 5)
Standard Vanguard ….
Yes I remember the first car we had as a Family. When I was very young, it was a Ford & I think the reg was DXL535.
Before me my Dad had this one.
A blue Ford Cortina - our first trip was a jaunt to Southend!
My father had one or two black bulbous things, I don’t know what they were. Then, very exciting, a Vauxhall Cresta. What a car: soft spongey suspension, bench front seat took three, column gear change, even the horn was different, a chrome plated ring within the steering wheel.
My parents did not drive but remember uncle’s Hillman Imp still going today. An enthusiast keeps it in superb condition, saw it quite by chance at vintage car rally, did shed a tear.
My father’s car was an Austin Ten. Then later was my Hilman Imp.Three years old.
Yes,it was a green Morris Minor and i loved the smell of it.
First car I remember was a black 48 Chevrolet Fleetline. resembled below.
It later converts to a Stock Car for dirt track demolition stuff. My Uncle Zeke did that.
The doors were held shut with log chains. Think most of the middle of the car was still
original. The rest replaced, painted many. Times were different in the early 50’s.
Traveling over 50- miles from the homestead were mostly forbidden. It wasn’t
the car’s fault, it was the holes in the roads. Sound familiar today?
I was not born when my dad had his first car
My old man always had a motorbike, I used to ride on the petrol tank when we went anywhere, eventually he bought a secondhand Austin A40 Devon
We drove to Holland camping in this car, god knows what would have happened if it broke down, I doubt there were many Austin dealers on the continent.
Looking back my old man was a terrible driver.
Ford Anglia ,2 door,3,gears.Luckily we didn’t have many hills near us.
One of my mates had one of those. Reverse was opposite 1st as I recall.
My Holden Kingswoods only had three gears but you really only needed 2nd and 3rd, 1st was only used to get moving but no trouble getting up hills.
A Ford Zephyr, a car you could sleep in quite comfortably.
I vaguely remember my dad having one of these earlier than the vanguard
I think it had a wheel on the back,
But we also had a motorbike and sidecar ,which dad made the sidecar, as there was 5 kids
I Remember from photos it looking like a coffin lol
Eldest brother at the back of dad
And mum and 4 youngsters in the coffin
My brother had a ford anglia ,and the eldest brother had a sunbeam alpine ,which my friends all sat on the back of it ….good times lol
“Cor Blimey Old Mother Riley”
Similar. Dads 2nd Hand. Riley “Monaco” 9
My first. When he won £600 on Littlewood Football Pools.
Going ALL Posh with a New Riley “Merlin” 9.
Its Number plate was >>

Which raised eyes in Germany!!

My parents never owned a car, until I turned 19, my dad decided it was better to buy a car for me, so I wouldn’t end up losing my confidence in driving,like he had done, by never owning a car. He had passed his test years back, but on an automatic car. I ended up giving him lessons on our new manual car and he used to drive me crazy as he just couldn’t get the hang of changing those gears!
He finally got used to it when I left London several years later and he had no choice, but to learn, and he did!