Do you live alone?

I have been “around the block” a time or two throughout my life, and men (especially older men) who are constantly trying to prove their masculinity are generally insecure, too busy trying to prove something, and the messages they are sending are those of immaturity. Women, today, are generally looking for a man who is confident, strong enough to be a man but sensitive enough to appreciate a real woman, a man who is gentle and kind, puts his lady first, and still handle any situation that arises, cool under fire. Never mistake gentleness / politeness for weakness, it could have a painful ending.


What is a real woman? They come in many varieties.

Women have red lines and preferences. The refrain to this is ‘yea go girl, you got this’ (comments to their vids stating why it’s important to state preferences in dating bios).

Common preferences in bios include must not be bald or thin haired, should be a certain height, confident, well put together, solvent.

All good so far.

Now when men state preferences such as body type or that they are attracted to submissive femininity, the refrain is typically ‘thats toxic, you’re dismissive of so many good women who don’t fit that body stereotype, men should grow-up, they need a real woman who’s strong n independent’.

Masculinity is interesting. It is indeed a quiet capable confidence, mixed in with bravery and other traits.

Both sexes are entitled to preferences. A really common comment I see from older women is that older men look so damned old, many don’t take care of their bods, ‘how come women look so much younger’, forgetting men don’t have an inch of makeup to hide behind.

It would take a helluva lot of make up to hide a beer belly! :grinning:

Personality, and taking care of yourself with healthy diet and positive attitude can take years off anyone in my opinion.


I agree Pixie, some blokes have been responsible for their own downfall for a while, its called self- :icon_wink:nemetic


All is not lost though…what goes down, must come up. There is hope for all - men and women - who feel like improving :slight_smile:


I do exercise 6 days a week, it’s super important to me. I can post a top-off selfie for evidence but presumably that’s not allowed.

Saw a relationship expert on the news saying that there’s an epidemic of loneliness in marriage these days. Lack of intimacy she sited as one of the drivers of this.

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Joan :blush: ed. Over that Gem.
Naturally. Darby was :innocent:

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Interesting that you think you need to prove yourself.

I was talking in general, really…but if you are happy in yourself, then great :+1:


Is this something which resonates with you?


A real “woman” is similar to a real “man”, self confident /humble, respectful, and know what they want in life. They are not into games,strong enough to be gentle / compassionate, they have no need / desire to impress others.


There are five types of intimacy; emotional, physical, intellectual, experiential, and spiritual. Intimacy is built through communication, quality time, and building trust. While many people use sex and intimacy interchangeably, they mean different things. Sex is only one aspect of physical intimacy.Apr 5, 2023


I find statistics on most anything relating to people to be very misleading when in comparison of stats over 4-5 years old, world population is climbing at an alarming rate, and while the numbers (of incidents) may appear larger, the actual percentage varies very little…

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This explains why certain people are immediately drawn together for other reasons without tagging it as flirting, or having sexual undertones. Yet the attraction to learn more about other is palpable.
Thank you for giving me reasons to understand relationships more fully.

I knew this, but it apparently got lost in my head in the past few years.


My pleasure Ms RightNow.

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I like living alone, would have hated it when I was younger but it is fine now.

Einstein had it right when he said," I live in that solitude which is painful in youth, but delicious in the years of maturity."

Am never lonely, have friends and acquaintances that I see and meet with but these days I am happiest pottering about doing things alone. If you had told me this 30 years ago I wouldn’t have believed you.


Amen brother.

I guess living alone could mean no one else is prepared to tolerate you!!

or you tolerate them.

Yes, but I guess “you” and “them” both think “They” are the decision makers!!