Do you live alone?

Thank you for those words. I am rather content with my lot. These thoughts creep into my mind periodically and I thought I would share them.
It might help someone who is in the same situation.


Thank you for your kind words.
I have not seen any Harry Potter movies.
I shared my thoughts because I think there are others out there in the same boat but do not have the courage or inclination to put their thoughts into print.
Once again, thank you.


I have been alone for 13 years now, like you I am fine most of the time but there are occasions when I would love someone to just give me a hug!


I felt lonely as a teen so I started lifting weights and boxing to focus on myself. It proved how shallow humans are because once I got ripped, women suddenly noticed me lol.

This is why I hate the phrase ā€˜looks donā€™t countā€™, itā€™s merely an idle virtue signal.

Some of my mates never got much female attention as I was enjoying loads of it, and yes that was purely down to looks being the gateway.

Sure personality then kicks-in but only after looks.

OP I am not going to say all the usual stuff about self-help and self-love as they are standard replies, but they wonā€™t really change anything.

My advice is become the most ripped man in your age group and see how it goes. You donā€™t need a gym or weights, just a branch for pullups etc etc. watch YouTube follow along hard workouts


Hi, re the question, ā€œDo you live alone?ā€ ā€¦

I donā€™t. Iā€™ve been married for 40 odd years, we are both in our 70s now, and I donā€™t know what Iā€™d do if I ever became single again. I dread the thought, in a selfish kind of a way. So I wonā€™t dwell on it.


Having been married to my darling blondie for 57+yrs, I doubt if I would survive long on my own in this large four double bedroomed house. With 4 daughters and an extensive list of grandchildren (2 married), there is usually something going on familywise. Also, I used to house a committed couple of NHS nurse-practitioners until they very recently moved into their own 1st purchase; AND we housed 2 Ukranian widows in turn with their children - both of whom have since remarried and settled down close to my home. So, if I should find myself a widower, then Iā€™m hoping one of the above will ensure I do not spend the rest of my allotted days alone.


You have my sympathy, sometimes we choose to live alone but nearly all humans crave some kind of social contact. Yes I miss sharing a bed with my then husband but after all the bitterness you have to move on. I have been single for a while now and have adapted, a good social life helps and I have tried the odd dsting site but it is never easy especially as you age. I guess I will carry on hoping for Mr Right ( well close to it ) and forgetting the lonely times, this is hard especially during those long Summer evenings when a nice walk and drink outside a pub with a nice man.


I have lived alone for the last 19 months, since my husband of 46 years died. I donā€™t mind being on my own, Iā€™m not lonely. I have my dog for company and my family are in touch regularly. I ā€˜talkā€™ to my husband continually as if he is still here, and he is in a way because everything here we chose together. To me one of the hardest parts is that this is our house, not mine alone, and I feel somehow as if I shouldnā€™t make any changes because we can no longer do it together - if that makes sense.


I saw a video on Ukrainian women choosing to marry Brits / Poles etc and the effect this having on male morale back in Ukraine. Pretty sad viewing


I think Bretrick,you made the right decision at that time in your life.
Had you have made the wrong decision at that time,you could well have lived to regret it.
You come across as a very lovely man,and believe me you can be surrounded by people and STILL feel lonely.


When I had an isolated time I did volunteer stuff.Worked in the Oxfam and PDSA pets shop.Did garden maintenance for the OAPā€™s.Met some lovely people ,all ages and sexes.
Perhaps you could join something like the CFA?


I am not actively looking for someone.
What I wrote was simply some thoughts that surface every now and then.
I will remain alone, by choice and really do everything to discourage a relationship.
So everything is fine with me. Sure, these thoughts will surface again. I can handle it though.
I can escape to the bush and commune with the critters.
Sharing these types of thoughts by enable others to think about their situation and maybe even actively discuss their thoughts on this forum.


How is your back and the diabetes?

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Thank you for asking.
A few sessions with a Chiropractor saw my back be repaired for the most part. Still need to be wary though.
I reduced my diabetic extreme of 18.6 down to normal range of 4.9.
This was achieved in 6 weeks.
Am maintaining the no sugar regime - for now.


Interesting insight.


Younger men love trying to hook-up with older women, you may well be aware of this, but I have heard of older women getting used in this way and feeling very hurt by the experiences of ā€˜boysā€™ ticking-off older women bed notches

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What is CFA?

Contribute F*** All :icon_wink:


Yes Iā€™ve lived alone for the past four years since losing my husband
Itā€™s a different life .
I hope this doesnā€™t upset anyone ā€¦iā€™m enjoying myself & my new found independence . :wink:


I can to some extent understand that reaction, but ā€˜back homeā€™ has to remember these women have been thoroughly traumatised and gone through hell and back to arrive in England with their now fatherless children. The 2 I homed are Jews as am I and the local JSCN has gone over and above to make their arrival here as welcoming as possible. Both lost all of their families to Putin as well, so a fresh start over here has given them hope. I am now in the process of offering another a new home, although at my age this one will be the last to stay for as long as she wishes :star_of_david:


Living alone does have many advantages.